© L79 Registry

Tools, Trivia & Technical Information

Tech & Trivia

»» Tech & Trivia about the L79 Chevelle, Chevy II, Corvette to include engine codes
»» How many L79 sedans/coupes/convertibles/pickups were sold?

Is It Real?

»» Suspect L79 Chevelles, Chevy IIs, Corvettes

Parts Looking For A Home + Wanted & For Sale

»» L79 engines, paperwork, other items looking for owners of the current car
»» L79-related items wanted & for sale

Handy Calculation Tools

* Calculator, Cubic Inches
* Calculator, Metric (MM, Inches, Meter, Feet, & Yards)
* Calculator, RPM (Calculate MPH from tire size/rear end gear/transmission gear)
* Calculator, Volume (Cubic Inches, Cubic Meters, Cubic Yards, Gallons, Quarts, etc.)
* Julian Calendar - Non Leap Years
* Julian Calendar - Leap Years (1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2112, 2116)

If you have any suggestions for articles or would like to contribute any information to the L79 Registry, be sure to contact me via the Contact/Register link above.