General Navigation Instructions

Most pages may be accessed via the menu on the left. The menu will keep each 'folder' open until you close it allowing you to move back and forth between pages without having to remember where the previous page was. Additionally you can open or close any main folder (File Photo or File Photo) without changing your current viewing page. Not until you select a text link will the page view change.

  • File Photo  File Photo ~ Naturally you can use your browser's button to go back one page. If the page you are on was accessed via the menu, the menu will not change.

  • Some thumbnail photos have larger versions available. When placing the mouse pointer over a photo, if the pointer changes shape (usually a hand) you can click the photo to see the larger version in a pop-up window.

    Two methods are used for these pop-ups based on the information to be presented. One version will have a Close Window option and one does not. On the version that does not have this specific notation, the window can be closed by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the window.

  • Occasionally, due to the volume of information to be presented, a completely new window may open when clicking a link. This is readily apparent when it does occur. Your browser's BACK button will initially be grayed out. This feature of opening a new window is also used when you click a link that directs you to a different web site on the Internet. Naturally you must be online or you'll receive the dreaded 'page not found' error message.