Solid colors are noted with two letters for lower and upper color - example AA is black lower/black upper. * Vinyl top or convertible top color is noted with a letter for the lower body color and a number for the top material color. But, see caveat below for more information.

Code Color Code Color
A Tuxedo Black N Madeira Maroon
C Ermine White P Evening Orchid
D Mist Blue R Regal Red
*E *Danube Blue S Sierra Tan
H Willow Green V Cameo Beige
J Cypress Green W Glacier Gray
K Artesian Turquoise Y Crocus Yellow
L Tahitian Turquoise    


Example A2 would be a black car with a black color vinyl or convertible top.

* Caveat: Not all P-O-P's are created equal. I have examples of Chevelles with KNOWN convertible and vinyl tops but the color is not specified even though the body color is and I have examples of Chevelles with vinyl tops that the P-O-P does designate the vinyl top color. Fremont also tended to include the wheel color along with the body colors by including a 3rd letter.

Code Vinyl Top Color Code Convertible Top Color
6 Black 1 White
    2 Black
    3 Beige