1955-1957 Chevrolet Vehicle Identification Number Decode
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is the legal identification of the car. The VIN will show the engine type (L6 vs. V8), model year, final assembly plant, and its sequence production number for that plant.
1955 | VIN start sequence 001001 | |
Engine | Series Code | Series |
6-cylinder | A | 1500 (except 1506) |
B | 2100 | |
C | 2400 | |
D | 1506 | |
E | 2900 (convertible) | |
8-cylinder | VA | 1500 (except 1506) |
VB | 2100 | |
VC | 2400 | |
VD | 1506 | |
VE | 2900 (convertible) | |
![]() VC - V8 2400 series, 1955, Kansas City assembly plant, sequence number 080xxx |
1956 | VIN start sequence 001001 | |
Engine | Series Code | Series |
6-cylinder | A | 1500 (except 1506) |
B | 2100 | |
C | 2400 | |
D | 1506 | |
E | 2900 (convertible) | |
8-cylinder | VA | 1500 (except 1506) |
VB | 2100 | |
VC | 2400 | |
VD | 1506 | |
VE | 2900 (convertible) | |
![]() VC - V8 2400 series, 1956, Los Angeles assembly plant, sequence number 033xxx |
1957 | VIN start sequence 100001 | |
Engine | Series Code | Series |
6-cylinder | A | 1500 (except 1506) |
B | 2100 | |
C | 2400 | |
D | 1506 | |
8-cylinder | VA | 1500 (except 1506) |
VB | 2100 | |
VC | 2400 | |
VD | 1506 | |
VE | 2900 (convertible) | |
![]() VC - V8 2400 series, 1957, Norwood assembly plant, sequence number 173xxx |
If the original VIN plate is missing, the owner's state can issue their own VIN plate like the one below issued by the Iowa Department of Transportation. Just what an owner must do to obtain a state-issued VIN is dependent on their state's regulations. Check with your local Department of Transportation or Highway Patrol to see what you may require for a state-issued VIN.
Canada VIN plates (or Chassis ID plates) differ from the U. S. versions. Here a 1957 Bel Air 2-door hardtop VIN puts the model year (7 for 1957), then the series (1037D), and followed by the plant sequence number 614xxx.