Reported Procedures to Obtain a New VIN

The information provided below has been provided to this website by readers. Whether this information is valid if/when you attempt to obtain a new VIN cannot be known. The information is presented without guarantees. If you have pertinent information for any state and would care to share that with others, please email me at with sufficient data to help others. What forms need to be filled out? What procedures did you have to go through with your local or state Department of Motor Vehicles, or similar agency, and did you get a completely new VIN or was the old one reassigned? Your help to others is appreciated.

Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware
District of Columbia - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa
Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota
Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey
New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon
Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee - Texas
Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming