© 442 REGISTRY- All Rights Reserved

442 Registry Submission Form & Disclaimer

All data submitted is compiled for historical purposes only. Anyone with a documented 442 is encouraged to submit the data requested on the contact form. No owner's name, address, or email account will be published. All personal data of this type will be kept in a database. Anyone requesting such data will have their request forwarded to the current owner on file. If they wish to respond, it will be up to the owner. This site will only pass along the request.

At least one of the following is required in verifying and registering your 1964-1965 442 or 1972 442. For 1966-1971 442s, the VIN itself will identify an 442 series.
1. Photo or scan or the original documentation showing schedule date, VIN, and of course the 442 option. Vintage Vehicle Services documentation showing the VIN and 442 option is also acceptable for 1964/1965/1972 442s.
2. Photo or scan of the original warranty card (Protect-O-Plate) showing engine code and VIN.
3. Photo of engine pad showing engine code and partial VIN.
4. Photo or scan of original factory invoice, bill-of-sale, etc. showing 442 option and VIN.
5. If you want a really nice photo in the gallery, photo should be a digital "out-of-the-camera" image at your camera's highest resolution.

The VIN and/or trim tag IS NOT verification of any 442 for 1964-1965-1972.

Any 442 submitted without some form of documentation or proof of it being a 442 will not be listed in the registry.

When submitting photos or scans of your documentation, trim tag, warranty card (Protect-O-Plate) for your 442 please be sure the documentation is readable so it can be verified. The documentation is needed to verify the car's VIN and 442 data match and, aside from basic data shown in the tables for each year, will be kept confidential and on file for historical preservation.

If you wish to include a photo of your 442 for the gallery, the photo should be in 3/4 front view and free from obstructions like children's toys, garage clutter, telephone poles, etc.; something similar to the photo on our home page and be at least 640x480. Larger is OK as I can reduce the size but cannot (with any clarity) enlarge a digital image.

If you have a story on the car, please feel free to include it either as a text attachment or MS Word document.

If you are not comfortable with supplying the data via the form page, please note the information needed and use your browser's BACK control to return here and simply email me the data at...

email contact

and please note in the subject line the e-mail is in reference to 442 Registry information. Thank you.

442 REGISTRY © - All Rights Reserved

03/28/2016: If you are using a smartphone or tablet of some type to complete the form, it may not be forwarded by the email handler on your device. If you experience a problem, like me not getting the completed form, and insist on using a smartphone or tablet then please take a screenshot of the completed form BEFORE you click the "Submit" button and email me that screenshot plus any photos you have to document the car and/or wish to submit to the gallery. Photos are limited to 5MB each via the form.

I've experienced the same issue with some other email address as well from MACS and PCs, not getting the registration form. If you received your confirmation email but do not hear back from me within a couple of days of registration, please forward your copy of the confirmation and attach any photos to the forwarded email and email them to me at

Terms of Registration: All submitted photos become the property of Webs by Dale and may be used for any legitimate purpose on this and other websites in the Webs By Dale family or any print publications (books) associated with this author's efforts without payment expected or due to the contributor. Submitted photos by any registrant may be used by WBD for display on any other WBD website or print publication without compensation.

© 442 REGISTRY - All Rights Reserved
Proceed to the 442 Registry Submission Form