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Queen City Chevelle Club

The Queen City Chevelle Club was established in 1984 for Chevelle owners and enthusiasts. Our purpose is the preservation and enjoyment of the Chevelle and El Camino models. Owners of original, restored or modified 1964 – 1972 Chevelles and El Caminos are invited to join and participate in all club activities.

Queen City Chevelle Club Meeting Minutes, March 1, 2025

- Meeting called to order by President Craig Garret at 2:15 pm with
10 members present. Craig thanked Mike for hosting the meeting.

- Mike Moore provided the Treasures report.
Queen City Chevelle Club Meeting Minutes, March 1, 2025

New Business:

- Elections were held and the current offices agreed to stay on for another term.
President – Craig Garrett
Vice President – Randy Weimer
Treasure – Mike Moore
Secretary – Bill Wiehe
Directors(3) – To be confirmed

- Discussed locations and dates for the 2026 Regional. Jim has talked with representative
at the Element. The size of the parking lot is not large and would require arranging
additional space next door.

Mike is talking with OASIS and we all agree it is the best place to hold the event. By initiating conversations this early we hope to everything in place well in advance.

- Randy asked if there was interest in having get together and whether Saturday or Sunday afternoon would be better. A Sunday event seemed to the consensus. More information to come.

- The next Meeting will be April 5, 2025 beginning noon at Steak & Shake.

- There being no additional items, the meeting was closed at 2:55 pm.

Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary


QCCC Members,
The Queen City Chevelle Club will meet next Saturday, March 1, 2025 at Mike & Becky Moore's garage - 3850 W Farm Rd, 92 Springfield, Mo. starting at 2:00 PM. The agenda will include initial discussions and plans for hosting the 2026 Regional Show. Please plan to attend this first meeting of 2025.

See you there.


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