Wanted / For Sale
Neither the 442 Registry nor this website administrator are not responsible for authenticity of any items bought/sold. The service is only offered as a go-between to help buy or sell 442-related items.
Disclaimer: Personal listings are $25 for 90 days from the date posted prepaid via PayPal. After 90 days the item will be removed to make room for new items. The seller will have the option of continuing the ad for 90 day blocks for $90 for each 90 day block. Payment must be prepaid and no portion is refundable if parts/car is sold or the ad is pulled by the seller. Ad information must include, as a minimum, an email address so an interested party may contact you directly; name and/or phone number is optional.
Items listed as wanted will be listed for 1 year free, then removed unless other arrangements are made.
For Sale