ChevelleWorld Tools -
Miscellaneous Tools, Calculators, Etc.
Some links to make your Chevelle life easier. Many require Java be installed on your system.
Additional Resources
Calculator, Cubic Inches - (Calculate
cubic inches knowing cylinder bore, piston stroke, and number of
Calculator, Metric - (MM, Inches, Meter,
Feet, & Yards)
Calculator, RPM - (Calculate MPH
from tire size/rear end gear/transmission gear)
Calculator, Tire Size -
(Calculate tire height/circumference/section width, etc.)
Calculator, Volume - (Cubic Inches, Cubic
Meters, Cubic Yards, Gallons, Quarts, etc.)
Julian Calendar - Non Leap Years
Julian Calendar - Leap Years (1964,
1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008,
2012, 2016, etc.)
VIN Decoder - Decode your 1964-1972 Chevelle
Vehicle Identification Number
Eighth Mile to Quarter Mile - Using NHRA
Factor of 1.6
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Be sure to visit my ChevelleCD site for
Chevelle CDs, challenge coins, and other gifts for that Chevelle fan in your
family and my
Stickers & Calendars website for custom stickers and calendars with your
favorite car/pet/occasion.