GM special paint info from numerous website discussions
with Jim Mattison (formerly with the F&SO office at
GM) and owner of Pontiac Historical Services.
It appears that your car was special ordered through the
Chevrolet Fleet & Special Order Department (many of
you folks call it the COPO Group).
During the years
that I was a part of this group, we processed many orders
for vehicles with special paint. Although these vehicles
were ordered with "special paint",
they are not considered to be COPO cars.
I'm surprised that more of these "special paint"
cars haven't shown-up, as many of these orders were for
performance cars.
The paint information (926-99568)
that you have on both the build sheet and on the trim tag "is"
in fact a DuPont paint number. I don't understand why your
local DuPont folks can't identify it for you. The "926"
denotes that the color is a non-metallic and the "99568"
is the mixing formula. While this color may in fact be for
Daytona Yellow, it could also be for some other yellow,
including a truck color, or a yellow from another car manufacturer.
The paint information that was stamped on your trim tag
was supposed to be able to assist you or your body shop
to identify the "special paint" color, if repair
or re-painting was needed at a later date.
If your
local paint supplier cannot identify the paint code, I'd
give them a piece of this original paint, from an area that
has not been exposed to the elements. Hopefully they can
scan the color and provide you with a proper match.
Jim Mattison
The prefix "767" denotes
that the color is DuPont metallic wheel enamel. Non-metallic
wheel enamel would be "766".
I am reasonably
sure that I didn't process this order, and yes, the entire
wheel on this Chevelle SS would have been painted gold.
Some of the guys in my group didn't take the time to think
about the possibility of a car having some type of sport
wheels. You have to remember that the majority of our business
was that of police cars, taxis and municipal vehicles, which
came with the standard steel wheels. Occasionally, the plant
would call and question the painting instructions, but not
all that often!
The next five (5) digits are for
the mixing formula of the paint. While I'm not 100% sure,
I believe that "98457" is the mixing formula for
Anniversary Gold, which has been used on a variety of Chevy’s
over the years, to commemorate various anniversaries.
On your other Chevelle, the mixing formula "99616"
is for what we used to call "Road Commission Orange".
This was a very popular special order color on trucks, but
some cars were ordered with it too! Mostly on "hot
The "1001HA" is the pricing
code for the special paint. The charges for a solid color
special paint would vary from no charge (1001AA) to $125.00
(1001HA). We would paint a vehicle any color under the rainbow
except for the Cadillac Firemist colors and Corvette colors.
Our special paint book would have thousands of special colors
in it, with more being added weekly. Unfortunately, those
days are gone forever!!!
I can still remember the
cars that we special painted "Kelly Green" for
John Delorean, when he was general manager of Chevy and
dating Kelly Harmon. Lots of special "Pink" cars
for Nancy Sinatra, too!!!
F&SO "RD0066"
refers to the document number for the special order instructions.
My department assigned these numbers. This order was the
66th at this plant for the 1970 model year. I believe that
the "R" is for the GM Assembly Plant in Arlington,
I hope that this information is helpful.
Wow!!! It appears that there is a lot of interest in
the special paint process. I'll do my best to answer most
all of everyone’s questions.
First, back in the late
60s and early 70s anyone could order their new Chevy with
a special color. Literally any color under the rainbow was
available, except for the Cadillac Fire mist colors.
The pricing for a solid color "Special Paint"
would vary between no charge and $125.00. Volume would dictate
the pricing.
If the customer was a fleet account,
or if the dealer would order multiple vehicles in the same
color, the pricing would be n/c. However, if the dealer
would order a single unit, the pricing could go as high
as $125, with various prices in between, based on many other
Some of the other conditions that would
require a car order to come through my group was: "Delete
Stripes" on a Z-28, Chevelle SS, or other model with
painted stripes. Colors that were current production, but
on a different model, would also require our approval. We
did lots of cars in "Hugger Orange" that normally
didn't come in that color as n/c. Also, you wouldn't believe
the number of Chevrolet's that were painted the popular
1968-69 Pontiac color, "Verdoro Green"! I even
remember a fair number of cars being ordered in the 1970
Chrysler color "Plum Crazy"!
It's too bad
that I can't get to the Supercar Reunion this year and answer
many of your questions in person. It would be so much easier
to explain in more detail. However, with the production
on the F-body coming to a close, GM has me scheduled to
go to the Corvette Museum and represent both Chevy and Pontiac
on the same weekend at the Camaro-Firebird Gathering, in
Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Jim Mattison
The Cadillac Firemist colors were
excluded due to them having such a course metallic. These
colors needed to be sprayed through a special paint gun.
Even on a Cadillac, the Firemist paint was quite a costly
I'll be the first to confess that I thoroughly
enjoyed the years that I spent at Chevrolet. Lots of things
were going on! It was a time in the automotive industry
that we will never see again, as the industry has changed
so dramatically!
I'll be happy to talk to folks about
some of my experiences at Chevrolet (both the good and the
bad), if I were to see you at a show or event. However,
I sincerely doubt if anyone would ever want to read about
my adventures. I was just a small fish in a big pond!
Jim Mattison
The pricing for "Special Paint"
was based on if the color was a current production color
on another Chevy model, the number of vehicles ordered and
if the account was a "Fleet Account". We would
also have the ability to, at our discretion, change the
paint pricing on an order, if we felt that it was justified.
Pricing varied but I remember that 1001HA was a $75 charge
and that 1001PA was a $25 charge.
As for the paint,
DuPont would send an ample amount to both the Fisher Body
facility and to the corresponding Chevrolet plant. All of
this paint was "factory package" direct from DuPont,
so color matching wouldn't be a problem.
Also, on
all special paint orders, a quart of paint would be shipped
in the glove box of the car, so that the dealer could do
any touch-up, if needed. A note would accompany this quart
of paint, recommending that the owner write down the paint
number inside their owner’s manual for future reference.
Special Paint Colors Found To Date
While not exclusive to 1970, special
order colors seem to be more common with this year. Some
DuPont paint code formulas found on build sheets and/or
trim tags are: 926-76248, 926-99568, 926-98371, 926-99616,
926-97249, 927-98457, and 927-99918.
The first 3 digits denote non-metallic (926) or metallic
(927) paint. The last 5 digits are the mixing formula for
DuPont. Colors found so far:
926-27153 ~ unknown, found on 1970 Van Nuys, CA. El
Camino trim tag. Did find a DuPont paint code 93-27153 which
is an old (1958) GM paint color of Spray Green and is a
close match to a paint chip chart.

926-93253 - Orange 926-97249 ~ Red
926-98371 ~ Light Blue - 1969*
926-96881 ~ Light Blue - 1970*
926-98371 ~ Light Blue - 1971-1972*
926-99539 ~ Orange (Same as Pontiac Carousel Red)
926-99568 ~ Yellow (Same as 1969 code 76, Daytona Yellow)
926-99616 ~ Orange (Same as 1969 code 72, Monaco/Hugger
927-98457 ~ Tricentenial Gold
927-99593 ~ Metallic Blue (Same as 1969 code 71, LeMans
927-99846 ~ Citrus Green (Same as late 1970 code 43,
Citrus Green) **
927-99918 ~ Aqua Metallic
927-AF017 ~ Blue Metallic

Build sheet would annotate a ZP3 special paint code
and show the particular DuPont mixing formula code or just
the Fleet & Special Order (F&SO) number with no paint
color noted as per the plant's SOP.
* There seems to be two paint codes attributed to the
sales name 'Carolina Blue.' The DuPont mixing formula 926-98371
has been found on 1969, 1971 and 1972 Chevelles while 926-96881
is found on 1970s. It's known that code 926-96881 is found
on a 1970 build sheet and color is simply listed as "Blue
Acrylic Lacquer" but no mention of 'Carolina Blue'
specifically. A 1972 build sheet does show the wording
CAROLINA BLUE but the mixing formula itself is obscured.
** Paint code 43 Citrus Green was announced as one of
four late spring of 1970 colors available in Canada. Notice
the applications states these colors were not available
with convertibles, station wagons, El Caminos or SS 454
with LS6 option; none of which were built in Canada. But,
the color has been found as a special paint for a U.S.-built
LS6 sport coupe.

Matching wheels could also be ordered painted with the
first 3 digits being 766 and 767 for non-metallic/metallic
followed by the same 5 digit number for the body.
As more colors are discovered, they'll be posted here.
Depending on the assembly plant a special order paint
would show the DuPont mixing formula as above, some plants
would show two dash characters or the paint code area simply
left blank. The mixing formula would be designated on the
build sheet. Special order paint had to be approved by the
Fleet & Special Order section of Chevrolet. Special
order paint could be any color available by any automotive
paint manufacturer except Cadillac Firemist colors due to
the coarseness of the metallic in the paint and, supposedly,
Corvette exclusive colors.
Editor's Note: At least one 1972 Chevelle built
at the Arlington, TX. assembly plant has been found with
paint code 47, a Corvette only color Elkhart Green. The
information is backed up by the build sheet noting the color.
Another variation is this 1970 Van Nuys El Camino with
a paint code of 926-BM865 and appears to be some shade of
Another 926-BM875 has been brought to my attention.
Again, a 1970 El Camino from Van Nuys.

Special Paint Tag Examples
While most plants, most years, would show a paint mixing
formula, dash characters, or just blanks on the trim tag
for special paint, some plants would include a GM paint
code that's not 'correct' for the particular
year and Chevrolet model. Here are several examples.

A 1970 Chevelle from Arlington with a single paint code
of 51 which is a 1970 Oldsmobile color with the sales name
of "Sebring Yellow" which is the same as Chevrolet's "Daytona

A 1972 Chevelle from Arlington with paint code 47 47 which
is a 1972 Corvette color with the sales name of "Elkhart
Custom Vinyl Top
 Special order vinyl top colors could also be ordered
via the F&SO process. Note the vinyl top code letter
"H" on this 1972 Chevelle. Chevrolet's vinyl top color options
for 1972 Chevelles were limited to black, green, or white
with a Pewter Silver body color. The code letter "H" was
used on 1972 Buicks and 1972 Pontiacs for Medium Pewter
vinyl top.

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