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Orphaned L78 Equipment

These may be build sheets, Protect-O-Plates, bills-of-sale, engine blocks with partial VINs, etc. found in the wrong car or a forgotten drawer, shoebox or garage and the person in possession of the item is looking for the owner of the car. The L78 Registry will act as a go-between only. If you think you have the car that one of these items belongs to, contact me with your name & email address and I will forward that to the person that has the item(s). How you and the person having the item(s) resolve the issue is strictly between the two of you. Hopefully you can provide enough proof to show the item(s) is/are for your car and retrieve the treasure.

* May 24, 2024
Gentleman has 1969 Chevelle L78 engine seeking to reunite it with the car's owner. Engine date/suffix T0124JD and partial VIN of 19B344821. Engine is currently located in Houston, TX.

* January 27, 2024
Gentleman has engine for 1969 L78 Nova - sequence number 310724.

* September 8, 2023
Gentleman has engine for 1969 L78 w/TH400 looking for owner of car - sequence number 398261

* June 3, 2023
Gentleman has original paperwork for 1970 L78 Chevelle VIN 136370K119345.

* April 5, 2023
Gentleman has L78 engine with partial VIN 19W467826 looking for car's owner.

* October 19, 2021
Gentleman has 1969 Chevelle L78 engine block date stamped T0124JD for partial VIN 19Z330704 looking for owner of the car. Owner is located in Massachusetts.

* March 17, 2021
Gentleman has 1970 L78 build sheet for Kansas City, sequence 1281xx look for current owner.

* October 18, 2017
Gentleman has order form and dealer sales receipt for 1968 L78 sport coupe with VIN 138378K179597 looking for owner of the car. Prove the car is yours and he will send you the two documents.
Copyright © L78 Registry - All Rights Reserved  Copyright © L78 Registry - All Rights Reserved

* January 16, 2019
Gentleman has 1970 L78 engine block stamped T1110CTY and partial VIN of 10K1298xx looking to reunite engine with car.

* October 15, 2017
Gentleman has 1969 L78 engine block T0312JD with partial VIN stamp of 364396 searching for owner of car.

* April 15, 2017
Gentleman searching for information on his ex-1969 L78, VIN 136379G34004. Licensed in New York, sold in 1972.

* January 5, 2017
Gentleman has L78 engine block from 1970 Nova looking for owner, partial VIN 10W319443, engine stamp T0414CTY.

* September 13, 2015
Gentleman is looking to purchase original block for his 1966 L78, partial VIN 6K187547, engine stamp T0422EG.

* December 19, 2014
Gentleman is looking to purchase original block for his 1970 L78, partial VIN 10K115950.

* October 28, 2014
Gentleman is looking to purchase original block for his 1970 L78, partial VIN 10B104481.