LS6 Registry - 2019/2020
Thirty three photos provided by the registrant

[ 2008-2010 ] | [ 2011-2013 ] | [ 2014-2016 ]
[ 2017-2018 ] | [ 2019-2020 ] | [ 2021-2022 ]
[ 2023-2024 ]
Thirty three photos provided by the registrant
[ 2008-2010 ] | [ 2011-2013 ] | [ 2014-2016 ]
[ 2017-2018 ] | [ 2019-2020 ] | [ 2021-2022 ]
[ 2023-2024 ]
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Privacy Policy
The LS6 Showcase & Registry respects your privacy. The LS6 Showcase & Registry will not give your personal information, i.e., name, address, email address, et al. or complete VIN sequence to any third party and does not sell any registrant's data to anyone. If anyone inquires about a particular car in the registry, the admin will forward that information request to the registered car's owner and let that owner decide how to respond to the inquiry.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the site administrator via the contact page.
This website is designed and maintained by Webs by Dale™ (WBD). This website was created as a showplace for LS6-optioned Chevelles/Corvettes. WBD shall not be held liable for any loss resulting from the use of the information contained on this website. This website is the sole property of WBD. Design, layout and website photographic images were all created by WBD or submitted by readers and are not to be copied or distributed without express consent from WBD in writing. Use of WBD name, logo and identity is strictly prohibited by law.
All submitted photos become the property of WBD and may be used for any legitimate purpose on this and other websites in the Webs By Dale family or any print publications (books/calendars/CDs/et al.) associated with this author's efforts without payment expected or due to the contributor. Submitted photos by any registrant may be used by WBD for display on any other WBD website without compensation.
While every effort is made to ensure the Chevrolets on this website are what they claim to be, WBD does not verify the cars beyond what documentation is provided. One must take their due diligence in seeking to purchase any Chevrolet and not rely on any website, including this one, to validate the bona fides of any owner's claim.
This registry and showcase website is not
designed to help you locate a car you owned 20-30 years ago. To
my knowledge there is no known database of a car's VIN and its past/current
owner. Such a public database would be a gross invasion of privacy.
The LS6-optioned Chevelles/Corvettes listed here are done
so by the current owner at time of registration and may have changed
hands since registration. If you are seeking information on any
vehicle registered here, this website will only contact the owner
with your request and it will be up to them if they contact you
or not.
Active since September 2008 - Today is
March 31, 2025