LS6 Chevelles & Parts For Sale and Wanted - LS6 Chevelles - Parts/Miscellaneous
- Wanted itemsDisclaimer: Personal listings are $25 for 90 days from the date posted prepaid via PayPal or credit card. After 90 days the item will be removed to make room for new items. The seller will have the option of continuing the ad for 90 day blocks for $25 for each 90 day block or $50 for a 180 day block. Payment must be prepaid and no portion is refundable if car is sold or the ad is pulled by the seller. Ad information must include, as a minimum, an email address so an interested party may contact you directly; name and/or phone number is optional.
Contact me here for particulars.
The LS6 Registry nor its owner guarantees the quality, application, or correctness of any parts or Chevelles listed.
For commercial entities wishing to sell cars the cost is $50 for 3 months (90 calendar days) from the date posted. A small image and description is shown on this page with a link to an individual page with a complete description of the car provided by the commercial entity or to the commercial entities website. Thumbnail versions of the images are shown on the page with larger versions available as individual links. Images should be a minimum of 800 x 600 for best detail.
For commercial entities with a rotating inventory of Chevelles, arrangements can be made for Webs By Dale to host individual images and links to your website with details for a quantity of Chevelles. Please contact me for arrangements.