Chevelle/Corvette LS6 Registry
How Many LS6s Based On
Colors Were Sold?
Many owners and potential owners are often curious about how many of my (sport coupes/convertibles/El Caminos) were painted a particular color? To date no records have surfaced as to how many LS6 optioned Chevelles, much less any 1970 Chevelles, were sold in particular colors. There are known figures for the base 15 colors plus special & prime but those are only listed through March of 1970 so the numbers known are not complete. These known figures are for ALL 1970 Chevelle models, not just those with either SS option nor known engines.
But, since owners and potential owners are always curious about numbers, here is a breakdown based on (1) the known number of LS6 optioned sport coupes, convertibles, and El Caminos and (2) the percentage breakdown of GM's released figures for each of the 15 base paint colors plus special & prime.
These figures are NOT to be taken literally; these are based on a statistical distribution based on the number of LS6 Chevelles regardless of body style.
Total of possible body styles that the LS6 could be ordered in:
13637 V8 sport coupes: 263,684 - percentage of total
possibilities, roughly 84.63%
** (Canada exported sport coupes to the U.S. are
excluded since no LS6 was ever built in Canada).
13667 V8 convertibles: 7,141 - percentage of total possibilities,
roughly 2.29%
13680 V8 sedan pickups: 40,728 - percentage of total possibilities,
roughly 13.07%
RPO LS6 options: 4,475
Using an evenly distributed formula:
13637 V8 sport coupes: 84.63% of 4,475 results in 3,387 sport coupes.
13667 V8 convertibles: 2.29% of 4,475 results in 103 convertibles.
13680 V8 sedan pickups: 13.07% of 4,475 results in 585 sedan pickups.
Percentages of Paint Colors (through March of 1970). Percentages are rounded off to two places. Colors are listed by quantity reported, i.e. Green Mist being the most popular, followed by Forest Green, etc. Production figures are the last VINs GM reported for each plant. It is not know if the paint color figures in Oshawa; it is assumed they do not so no Oshawa numbers were used. Oshawa did not built LS6 Chevelles or any sedan pickups, both were imported from the U.S. One can easily see where trying to even statistically calculate anything with so many unknowns can lead to total figures that do not add up. Add that to the fact two-tone paint was not available on convertibles or sedan pickups.
If one wants to take things one step further, the number of, say, Cranberry Red LS6 sport coupes could be calculated with the above statistical distributions. For example, the distribution of LS6 engine by body style calculates to 3,387 sport coupes. Take this 3,387 number times the percentage of Cranberry Red Chevelles reported at 8.24% and one gets 279. The number of Fathom Blue El Caminos would calculate to 585 sedan pickups times 6.95% works out to 41.
Again, these are just "Fun With Numbers" and are based on statistical distributions and incomplete figures.
D88 Sport Stripe Colors
RPO D88 Hood & Deck Stripe color was largely dependent on the color of the top (either vinyl or convertible) with few exceptions. Except for a Classic White or Tuxedo Black car the following colors would be used UNLESS the buyer specifically asked for, and was granted an OK through the Fleet & Special Order procedure to have a different color than specified.