Chevrolet V8 Engine Suffix Codes

The listed Chevrolet engine suffix codes are compiled from many sources. While every attempt has been made to verify the codes their may be incorrect codes listed. If you discover a code you believe to be in error or can document a code not listed, please contact me through the Contact menu link and let me know; please be specific.

Each type of engine is broken down in the links below and each type will have multiple pages. Suffix codes are listed in alphabetical order by year. Some codes are used for more than one model year and some for more than one platform such as Passenger, Chevelle, Camaro, Nova or Corvette.

Note: Engine codes after 1975 have not been confirmed with at least two sources so the accuracy of the codes is not confirmed.

262 through 400 (more coming...)

C - CLX  |  CM - CTZ | D - HZ | IA - ZN (Does not include Txx coded truck engines) |

366 through 454 Mark IV

AAA-AWR  |  CGR - CZU  |  ED-IY  |  JA-MZ  | TBG-YZ

348, 409 & 427

348, 409 & 427 "W" Engines