Club News
September 10, 2024_________________________________________________________________
Click image for show photos hosted by the Midwest Chevelle Regional
August 3, 2024
- Meeting was called to order by President Craig Garret at 12:00 pm with 10 members were present._________________________________________________________________
June 3, 2023
1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Garrett at 12:00 with 13 members present.
2. Mike Moore provided the Treasures Report.
3. Craig informed the group we have a contract
with Mid-West Security. They will be providing security for the
show on both Friday and Saturday from 10 PM to 6AM
4. Mike provided participant update with 49 pre-registrations as
of today. Six cars registered for 1000 pts. judging.
5. Mike stated there are no more rooms available at the OASIS, however
there are rooms available are several hotels within walking distance
of the OASIS show venue.
6. Jim and Mike will be meeting with Tracy Powell at the OASIS on June 8 @1:00 to go over a few details..
7. We are still receiving a few Door Prizes.
8. We will be meeting at the OASIS show field on Thursday, June 29th at 12:00 to do some set up. We are still looking for volunteers to help in a few areas including registration, trailer parking and Show Field parking. We can also use popup tents, folding tables, and chairs.
9. Next meeting August 5, @ 12:00 at Steak & Shake unless otherwise posted later.
10. Meeting closed at 12:25
May 6, 2023
1. Meeting called to order by President Craig at 12:00 with 11 members present.
2. Mike Moore provided the Treasures Report.
3. Craig provided an update on security for
the show and the discussions that have taken place with several
providers. More discussions are needed before a final selection
is made.
4. We have 43 cars singed up for the show.
5. We have received support from several new sponsors.
6. Still looking for volunteers to help at the show in a few areas such as registration, show field parking and trailer parking.
7. Tracy Powell is our new contact at the OASIS.
8. Next meeting June 3, 2023, 12:00 pm at Steak & Shake.
Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary
April 1, 2023
1. The meeting was called to order by President Craig Garrett at 11:56 PM at Steak & Shake with 12 members present.
2. Mike Moore provided the Treasures Report.
3. We discussed the 36th Midwest Regional Show preparation.
4. As of this meeting date we have 32 confirmed registrations with four slated for 1000pt Judging.
5. There are 28 hotel reservations booked thus far for various combination of days. At last report there are 12 rooms left for Friday night, but only four left for Saturday night, of the original block of rooms.
6. We are still in search of a security person or persons for overnight(s) during the show. If you have any leads please contact Craig or Mike.
7. We hope to have the volunteer jobs list soon. If, based of previous shows, you have a particular position in which you would like to help, please let us know.
8. Next meeting May 6, 2023, 12:00 pm at Steak & Shake.
Bill Wiehe QCCC Secretary
March 11, 2023
1. The meeting was called to order by President Craig Garrett at 2:00 pm with eight members present..
2. Mike Moore provided the Treasures Report.
3. We discussed the 36th Midwest Regional Show preparation.
- Mike stated that
show "seed money' has been received from the Hartland, Wichita and
Mid-America Chevelle Clubs.
- Mike indicated that sponsorships had been confirmed with
O'Reilly and GLMoore.
- Craig is still working to find someone to handle security.
Contact Craig if you know of anyone who might be interested.
- Jim Proe is working with the vendor to finalize the award
trophies which will go to the Top Three in each category. There
are still some questions on 1000pt trophies that need further checking
- Dixie & Randy will be coordinating the 'Poker Run.'
- Robert will be providing the music.
- Bill stated that he has heard from several members
that will be glad to help out during the show.
Mike indicated that he will have a signup sheet at the next meeting,
- Bill is searching options for sign making material
that will identify parking by Year and Class.
4. Robert, our liaison with Dale McIntosh who manages the Website,
reported everything has been updated.
5. Next meeting will be on April 1, stating at 12:00, at the Steak
and Shake.
Finally, thanks to Robert and Jean for hosting the meeting. The
cookies were great.
October 2022
We had a meeting scheduled for Saturday, October 1st, but nobody showed up except nothing.
No meeting in November.
Next meeting at the Christmas dinner.
Meeting Minutes - September 2022
Our September meeting was held September 3rd at Steak n Shake. Members in attendance were Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Craig Garrett and Mark Hooten.
The Nebraska Heartland Club was scheduled to host the 2023 Chevelle Regionals but they have not been able to secure a venue, and will not be hosting the event in 2023. It is unknown at this point if Wichita, who is scheduled to host the event in 2024, will move up a year and host in 2023. If they do, then our club will move up a year and host the event in 2024. We should know more in the coming months.
The Christmas dinner has been set and reserved. We will have the dinner on Saturday, December 3rd from 5p-7p at Big Whiskey's Restaurant, 1550 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield, MO (same place as last year) which is across the street from the Battlefield Mall. Last year we had 30-35 attendee's, and that is what we told Big Whiskey's we expect this year. Everyone can order from the full menu, and with 30 people expected we will need to spend a total of at least $450.00, which is an average of $15.00 per guest. Big Whiskey's will automatically add an 18% tip to each guest's bill, so reaching $15.00 per person should not be difficult. Make your plans now and we hope to see you there!
Our next meeting will be Saturday, October 1st at 2pm at Steak n Shake.
Meeting Minutes - July 2022
Our July meeting was held July 2nd at Steak n Shake. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Robert Killlingsworth, Craig Garrett, Mark Jantz, Kelley McKenzie, Chuck Price and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
Only item of discussion was the Midwest Regional in September.
We are going to try and reserve a room at Big Whiskey's on East Battlefield Road for our Christmas dinner (same place as last year) and will try to get Saturday, December 3rd or Saturday, December 10th, 5p-7p.. The website will be updated once something is reserved.
We will not have an August meeting. Our next meeting will be Saturday, September 3rd at 2pm at Steak n Shake.
Meeting Minutes - June, 2022
Our June meeting was held June 4th at Steak n Shake. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Robert Killingsworth, Randy Weimer, Scott George, Mark Jantz, Bill Wiehe, Steve Jones and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The only topic of discussion was the 35th Midwest Regional Chevelle Show which will be held September 23-24 at the Nebraska Furniture Mart parking lot in Kansas City, KS. All are encouraged to attend
As we are not having our GM Car and Truck Show this year, the decision was made to let out liability insurance lapse. We will renew the policy next year if we host the show.
Our next club meeting will be held Saturday, July 2nd at Steak n Shake.
Meeting Minutes - April, 2022
Our April meeting was held April 2nd at Steak n Shake. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Craig Garrett, Robert Killingsworth, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Kelley McKenzie, Scott and Juanita George, Chuck Price and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
Due to manpower limitations at Reliable Chevrolet, the GM Car and Truck Show will not be held in 2022. The Midwest Chevelle Regional Show will be held September 23rd and 24th near the Nebraska Furniture Mart in Kansas City, KS. We encourage as many members as possible to attend and support the show.
Our club will host a get together Saturday, April 23rd. We will meet at the Sonic Restaurant at Chestnut and West Bypass (3525 W. Chestnut) at 11:30 a.m. and cruise to the Hangar Kafe in Miller, MO where we will have lunch. Hope to see you there. This luncheon will serve as our May club meeting.
Our next meeting after the luncheon will be Saturday, June 4th at 2p at Steak n Shake.
Meeting Minutes - January, 2022
Our January meeting was held January 29th at Mike Moore's residence. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Craig Garrett, Robert Killingsworth, Mark Jantz, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Steve Cunningham, Steve Jones, Kelley McKenzie and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
After a financial report from Mike, discussion turned to the 2022 GM Car and Truck Show. Craig has been in contact with Reliable Chevrolet, and has been told Reliable is under new ownership. Our contact at Reliable is working to see if the new ownership will allow the show to take place at their dealership. We have asked for a September reservation if possible.
The Midwest Chevelle Regional will take place this year on September 23rd and 24th and will be near the Nebraska Furniture Mart in Kansas City, Kansas. Once details have been completed, a flyer will be made and posted to the website. As it stands now, the 2023 Regionals will be hosted by the Nebraska Heartland Club, the 2024 Regionals will be hosted by Wichita, and the 2025 Regionals will be hosted by our club. All of that is subject to change, and any changes will be posted as new information becomes available.
As far as club officers for 2022, Mark Hooten has agreed to remain as President/Secretary, Craig Garret will remain as Vice President, and Mike Moore will remain as Treasurer.
After business was conducted, members discussed what they have been up to in the last year or so, and there sure has been alot of movement with members selling and obtaining vehicles. Mike Moore is looking to sell his 70 LS6 recreation, Randy Weimer sold his 69 and one of his trucks, Robert Killingsworth is waiting on delivery of a new Corvette, Mark Hooten has picked up a truck from his father, and Steve Cunningham has added to his extensive collection. Interesting stuff.
The time/place for our next meeting is TBA, and will be posted once a decision is made. Hope to see you there!
Meeting Minutes - December, 2021
Our December meeting and Christmas dinner was held December 11th at Big Whiskey's in Springfield. We had a good turnout and hopefully everyone was pleased with the venue and had a good time. There was no club business discussed.
Due to the weather forecast for January 15th, our next meeting has been changed to Saturday, January 29th at 2:00 p.m., at Mike Moore's residence, 3850 W. Farm Road 92, Springfield. We will need to start discussing our plans for our GM Car and Truck Show. Hope to see you there!
Meeting Minutes - September, 2021
We held our September meeting on Saturday, September 4th at Mike Moore's residence. Members in attendance were Mike Moore, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, Mark Jantz, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Robert Killingsworth and Mark Hooten.
Not much business to discuss, but did discuss when and where the next Regional show will be conducted. We are trying to coordintate with the other clubs and will post a response when it is determinted.
Our club Christmas dinner will be held Saturday, December 11th from 5pm-7pm at Big Whiskey's, 1550 East Battlefield Road, Springfield, MO. This is across from the Battlefield Mall. Mike Moore will be sending out an e-mail trying to get a head count, which Big Whiskey's has asked for, so please contact Mike or me, Mark Hooten, so we can let Big Whiskey's know how many to expect. Hope to see you there!
Meeting Minutes - May, 2021
We held our May meeting on Saturday, May 1st at Steak n' Shake. Members in attendance were Mike Moore, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Chuck Price, Bill Wiehe, James Bennett, Kelley McKenzie, Scott George and Mark Hooten.
There was not much business to discuss as the 2021 GM Car and Truck Show has been cancelled, and we are unsure of when there is going to be another regional Chevelle show, and which club is going to be the host. There will not be a regional this year, and we believe Kansas City will host the 2022 show, Wichita will host the 2023 show and our club will host the 2024 show. These dates are not definite for each club, but will be figured out in the coming months.
Car shows and cruise-ins are back this year, and several have been listed under the "Current Events" section. Notably the Street Rod Nationals will be at the fairgrounds at the end of May, and Route 66 will be in August. If you come across any flyers that have not been posted, you can send them to me (Mark Hooten) at my e-mail address, which is listed under the "Contact Us" link.
Our next meeting will be Saturday, June 5th at 2 p.m. at Steak n' Shake, 1550 South Glenstone. Hope to see you there.
Meeting Minutes - April, 2021
After a one year hiatus we finally had a club meeting, which occurred on April 3, 2021 at Steak n Shake. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Robert Killingsworth, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, James Bennett, Charles and Judy Keeney and Mark and Lisa Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance. The meeting was very short, with Mike Moore providing a Treasurer's report. The only business discussed was the GM Car and Truck Show, and those in attendance agreed to postpone the show until next year. We did not think there would be enough time to pull everything together in a month or two, so we will gear up for next year.
On a more somber note, we are sad to report that Donald Lambeth, the father of Rhonda Garrett and father-in-law of Craig Garrett, passed away on April 2nd. Graveside Services will be held Friday, April 9th at 4 p.m. at West Finley Cemetery, south of Fordland, MO.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rhonda and Craig, and their entire family.
Posted November 8th, 2020
Hello everyone. Hope everybody is doing well and staying safe. Due to Covid-19, and what we feel is a lack of a safe place to meet, we have decided to cancel this year's Christmas dinner. We will see what the spring brings as far as getting together goes, and let everyone know when we will try to have another meeting. Have a safe Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, and hope to see you soon.
Hello all. After a hiatus for several months, we have decided to have a club meeting. Weather permitting, we are going to have the meeting Sunday, September 27th at 1:00 p.m. at Lost Hill Park, 4705 North Farm Road 151 (Grant Avenue north of town.) We will have a picnic type meal, with the club providing fried chicken and drinks. If you attend, please bring a side dish/dessert/ etc. Plenty of room for social distancing. Hope to see you there!
Due to the health issues involving the COVID-19 virus, our April, 2020 meeting has been cancelled. A new date will be announced once it has been scheduled.
Meeting Minutes - March, 2020
Our March meeting was held Saturday, March 7th at the Air and Military Museum of the Ozarks on East Kearney Street in Springfield. Those in attendance were: Bill Wiehe, Mick Mack, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Mark Jantz, Mike Moore, Craig Garrett, Jim Proe, Steve Cunningham, Randy Weimer, James Bennett, Larry Brown, Tom Keene, and Mark and Lisa Hooten. We also welcomed new members Charles and Judy Keeney. The Keeney's have a 1969 Hugger Orange L78 Chevelle, which is currently undergoing a restoration. Thank you to all in attendance. The meeting was brief, with discussion revolving around the GM Car and Truck Show on September 13th. Flyer's have been printed, and several people took some to begin passing out at different events. Mike has been sending out e-mails, requesting items for goodie bags and ticket drawings, and has been getting a little feedback, but hopefully more businesses will respond.
After the meeting, we all took a tour of the museum, which was quite interesting. There is quite of bit of memorabilia from all eras, and several veterans who were more than willing to answer any questions anyone had. It is worth the visit if you have never been there, and the entry fee is only $5.00.
Our next meeting will be held Saturday, April 4th, at 3:00 p.m., at Steak n' Shake, 1550 South Glenstone, Springfield, MO. Get your car out if it's nice, and join us!
Meeting Minutes - January, 2020
Our January meeting was held at the residence of Mike and Becky Moore. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Craig Garrett, Jim Proe, Mark Jantz, James Bennett, Scott George, Chuck Price, Robert Killingsworth, and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The first order of business was the election of officer's for the upcoming year. All of last year's office holders agreed to continue in their positions, so President/Secretary is Mark Hooten, Vice President is Craig Garrett, and Treasurer is Mike Moore.
The Board of Director's will be: Mark Jantz, Bill Wiehe, and Randy Weimer.
After elections, attention was turned to the 15th Annual GM Car and Truck Show, which will be held Sunday, September 13, 2020, at Reliable Chevrolet in Springfield.
Several in attendance volunteered to perform various tasks for the show, such as registration, coordination with Reliable Chevrolet, coordination with Crosslines, goodie bags, etc. Any help will be appreciated.
One big area of concern we would like to address is the advertisement of the show. We post a flyer of the show to our club website and to Facebook, we pass out flyers at the local cruise-ins and car shows, and we ask the Springfield News Leader to post it in their Thursday Weekend circular (though last year, even though we submitted the request, it was not put in the paper.) If anyone has any other ideas, especially in the realm of social media, we would really like to hear your ideas. Our contact with Reliable Chevrolet told us that for last years show, he was unable to locate any advertising for the show. We really need to improve in this area, but many of us are not fluent in social media, and could really use some help, or at least ideas.
Our next meeting will be held Saturday, March 7, 2020, at 12:00 p.m., at the Air and Military Museum of the Ozarks, 2305 East Kearney, Springfield, MO 65803. The Museum opens at 12:00 p.m. We will find a corner and have a quick meeting, during which flyers for the GM Car Show will be passed out to anyone wishing to help disseminate them. We will then tour the museum. The cost for entry to the museum is $5.00 per person. Hope you can make it!
And again, anyone with ideas on how to advertise the GM Car show, please get in contact with one of us and let us hear your ideas!
Due to the predicted weather for January 11th, our meeting has been cancelled. It has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 18th, at 3:00 p.m., at Mike and Becky Moore's house, 3850 West Farm Road, Springfield, MO. Hope to se you there.
Meeting Minutes - December, 2019
Our December meeting was held on Saturday, December 7th, during our Christmas dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. The turnout was excellent, and everyone enjoyed themselves. Thank you to all who attended, and helped us fill up the reserved room. I spoke with management after the dinner, and complimented them on the food, and the wait staff. They were appreciative of the compliment, and thanked us for the large turnout. They were very happy we filled the room, and welcomed us to come back again next year.
There was not any club business to be discussed, but we did set a date for our next meeting, which will be held Saturday, January 11th, 2020, at 3:00 p.m., at the residence of Mike and Becky Moore, 3850 West Farm Road 92, Springfield, MO. We will meet in Mike's shop building.
Our primary area of discussion will be focused on the 2020 GM Car and Truck Show, as we begin making plans for that event. We will also be electing officers for the 2020 year. Hope you can attend.
Meeting Minutes - November, 2019
Our November meeting was held at the residence of Mike and Becky Moore. Members in attendance were: Mike and Becky Moore, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Craig Garrett, Scott George, Steve Comer, Kelley McKenzie, and Mark Hooten. Also present were two of our new members, James Bennett and his grandson Isaac, and Charles Keeney. James has a 1971 sedan that, coincidentally, previously belonged to Perry Rein. A photograph of that car has been posted under the "Photos" tab. Charles is in the process of restoring a 1969 L78, hugger orange with black interior. No photo is yet available. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting started with a report from Mike on the GM Car and Truck show, which was held in September. We had fifty-eight cars in attendance, which resulted in us writing a check to Crosslines for $317.29. Thanks to Reliable Chevrolet for hosting the show, and providing food to all in attendance.
Jim Proe has advised the club that he will no longer be taking on the primary role of organizing the show, so for future shows, we will be asking people to pitch in, just as everyone did for the Midwest Regional. Craig Garret is going to make contact with Reliable Chevrolet to see about reserving a date for next year's show, and from that point, we will start with a new flyer, and start passing them out at the spring car shows and cruise-ins. Other duties will be announced as the time for the show draws near.
Our Christmas dinner will be held Saturday, December 7th, from 5:30 p.m. til 8:00 p.m. in the garage room at Logan's Roadhouse, 1110 East Battlefield Road, Springfield, MO (Same place as last year.) Everyone will be able to order from the full menu. Reserve that date, and hope to see you there. If you cannot make it, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Our next club meeting will be held during our Christmas dinner, on December 7th.
Meeting Minutes - August 2019
Our August meeting was held August 3rd at Steak-n-Shake on North Glenstone. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Craig Garrett, Randy Weimer, Jim Proe, Steve Cunningham, Chuck Price, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, Kelley McKenzie, Steve Jones, Jim Bennett, and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
Mike gave us an update on the results of the Regional car show. We had 83 entrants, and made a profit of about $1450.00. We also had three new members join the club, James and Connie Bennett, who own a 1972 sedan, Dustin and Christy West, who own a 1968 2-door hardtop, and a 1969 convertible, and Michael and Karen Maule, who own a 1967 SS 396, and a 1970 SS 454 tribute.
The GM Car and Truck Show is Sunday, September 8th. Steve Reed will supply the music. Reliable Chevrolet is trying to determine whether we will have the back lot, as we did last year, or the front lot, which is visible from South Campbell. Reliable will provide the food, as they did last year. Registration begins at 9 a.m., and as usual, anyone who can arrive early to help with set-up duties will be appreciated.
Mike has paid our club insurance for the year.
I know it's early, but we talked about this year's Club Christmas Dinner. Everyone present agreed that last year's venue, Logan's Roadhouse, worked out well. I have reserved a room at Logan's Roadhouse again for this year. Our dinner will be on Saturday, December 7th, from 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Logan's Roadhouse is located at 1110 East Battlefield, Springfield, MO. Each attendee will be able to order whatever they would like from the full menu, just as last year, and there is no cost to the club for the reservation. Last year we had 35 people attend. Management at Logan's wanted to be sure we would fill the room, and I told him we hoped to have around 35-40, so please make plans to attend. Should be a good time.
Our next meeting will be Sunday, September 8th, during the GM Car and Truck Show. Hope to see you there!
32nd Annual Midwest Chevelle Regional Car Show Results
1964 Modified Original
1st #52 Mike Crabb
2nd #73 Justin Cook
1964 Modified
1st #46 Mark Killion
1965 Restored
1st #31 Mearl McBride
1965 Modified Original
1st #40 Jeff Terrill
1965 Modified
1st #10 Dennis Langston
2nd #68 Daniel Smith
3rd #39 Daryl Riggs
1966 Restored
1st #44 Randy McCracken
1966 Modified Original
1st #54 Craig Garrett
2nd #28 Doug Stukey
1966 Modified
1st #70 Russ Detjens
2nd #60 Tom Keene
1967 Modified Original
1st #58 Kelley McKenzie
1967 Modified
1st #77 Larry Schafer
2nd #2 Steve Fitch
3rd #74 Kelly Parr
1968 Restored
1st #80 Jody Lane
1968 Modified Original
1st # 57 Scott George
1968 Modified
1st #47 Scott Proe
2nd #49 James Keys
1969 Modified Original
1st #15 Robert Killingsworth
2nd #71 Jeff Long
3rd #23 Dennis Davis
1969 Modified
1st #21 Jaclyn Parris
2nd #37 Mark Hooten
3rd #48 Jim Wisely
1970 Restored
1st #56 Michael Lafferty
1970 Modified Original
1st #65 Mike Bockman
2nd #26 Mike Downing
1970 Modified
Tie 1st #38 Jim Proe
1st #25 Roger Verstraete
3rd #69 Jim Reeves
1971 Modified
1st #72 Rick Byfield
Tie 2nd #20 Nick Tomcykowski
2nd #16 Gordan Gilpin
1972 Modified Original
1st #75 Mike Bacino
1972 Modified
1st #35 Robert Meyrand
2nd #36 Steve Cunningham
3rd #11 John Prouty
#76 David Jamis 1970
1964-67 El Camino
1st #67 Chad Weeden
2nd #41 John Bedenbender
1968-72 El Camino
1st #8 Ronnie Brightwell
2nd #13 Steve Calder
3rd #63 Don Bingham
1964-67 Station Wagon
1st #1 Greg Hansen
1964-72 Custom
1st #7 Joe Shumaker
2nd #33 Rick Lambert
3rd #79 Karl Henderson
1973-87 Late Model
1st #61 Tom Poupa
2nd #78 Jeff Hermanson
Daily Driver
1st #59 Dixie Weimer
2nd #76 Marvin Misemer
President’s Pick
#44 Randy McCracken 1966
Perry Rein Memorial Award
#76 David Jamis 1970
Judge’s Pick
#50 Kyle Booth 1970
1000 Point Judged Awards
#4 David Gohring 1965 Honorable Mention
#5 Mike Moore 1970 Gold Award
#9 Terry Tramp 1971 Gold Award
#12 David Hime 1968 Honorable Mention
#17 Kenny Goepferich 1967 Silver Award
#22 Norval Green 1968 Gold Award
#42 Leo Storoz 1970 Honorable Mention
#50 Kyle Booth 1970 Gold Award
Meeting Minutes - June 2019
Our June meeting was held on Saturday, June 1st, at Steak n Shake on North Glenstone. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Craig Garrett, James Wisely, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Dennis Langston, Jim Proe, Mark Hooten, and new member Steve Jones.
After a financial report from Mike Moore, the discussion turned to the 32nd Midwest Regional's on June 28-29. Mike reported there are 49 pre-registered entrants, with seven of those signed up for the 1,000 point judging.
A couple of vendors have shown an interest in having a booth at the show, but as yet there has not been a firm commitment.
We have volunteers to work each area of the show, but could use some extra people for relief work. It will be difficult to work one spot all day long for two days.
On Sunday, June 23rd, at 3 p.m., we will meet at Mike Moore's residence to stuff goodie bags for the show. All are invited to attend and help out. Mike lives at 3850 West Farm Road 92, Springfield, MO.
On Thursday, June 27th (the day before the show) at 1 p.m., we will meet at the Oasis Hotel, in the back parking lot, to get the parking lot in order for the show, and get things set up. All are invited to help out.
We would like to welcome new member Steve Jones to the club. Welcome Steve!
Our next club meeting will be Saturday, August 3rd, at 3:00 p.m. at Steak n Shake.
Meeting Minutes - May 2019
Our May meeting was held on Saturday, May 4th at Steak n Shake on North Glenstone. Members in attendance were: Randy and Dixie Wiemer, Craig Garrett, Steve Cunningham, Mike Moore, Dennis Langston, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Jim Proe, Mark Jantz, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, Marty and Kathy Henry, James Wisely and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
After a financial report from Mike Moore, the discussion turned to the 32nd Midwest Regional's on June 28-29.
Mike Moore and Craig Garrett recently met with a marketing representative from O'Reilly's, and their discussion was in reference to O'Reilly's possibly providing additional resources for the car show and assistance with advertising the show. O'Reilly's will have a booth set up at the show which will be staffed by volunteers from O'Reilly's.
Mike reported there are currently 38 pre-registered entrants.
Discussion was had as to the meal which will be served at the show, and members in attendance voted for pulled pork and brisket for the two entree's. Members also voted to provide dash plaque's to all the registered entrants.
Much of the conversation revolved around the many tasks needed to be done by members during the show, and the following are the commitments we have to date:
1000 point judging: Bill Wiehe, Jim Wisely, Scott George, Steve Cunningham, Chuck Price, Mark Jantz
Registration: Marty and Kathy Henry, Dennis Langston
Assigning Car Class: Jim Proe
Parking: Mark Hooten
Music: Robert and Jean Killingsworth
Entrance Gate: Craig and Rhonda Garrett
If you would like to volunteer to assist with any of these duties, your help would surely be appreciated.
On Sunday, May 19th, at 3:00 p.m., we are going to have a planning meeting at Mike Moore's residence, 3850 West Farm Road 92, Springfield, MO. The purpose of the meeting is to further discuss preparations for the show. All are welcome. Please try to come if you would be interested in helping on one or both of the show days.
Our next club meeting will be Saturday, June 1st at 3:00 p.m. at Steak n Shake, and most of the conversation will assuredly be about final preparations for the show. Hope to see you there.
Meeting Minutes - April 2019
Our April meeting was held on April 6th at Steak n Shake on North Glenstone. Members in attendance were: Craig Garrett, Mike Moore, Mark Jantz, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, Randy and Dixie Wiemer, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Chuck Price and Jacob O'Neill and family. Thank you to all in attendance.
After a financial report from Mike Moore, the primary area of conversation was the 32nd Annual Chevelle Regional being hosted by our club June 28-29 at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center on North Glenstone.
There are currently 28 pre-registered entrants, with seven of those being registered for the 1000 point judging, and 28 rooms have been reserved at the hotel. Jim Proe will class the entrants during registration, and there will be 20 spots on the east side of the parking lot reserved for the 1000 point judging. The north side of the parking lot will be reserved for trailer parking.
So far we have no one for security, and entry into the front gate of the hotel will require a key card from 11 p.m. - 6 a.m. There will be an office available for club use inside the building, and we will begin setting up the parking lot on Thursday prior to the show (June 27th.)
Our major sponsors are O'Reilly's, G.L. Moore Tire Pros & Automotive, and Ground Up Restorations.
Our 1000 points judges will be: Bill Wiehe, Jim Wisely, Scott George, Steve Cunningham and Chuck Price.
Registration will be: Marty and Kathy Henry
Gate will be: Craig and Rhonda Garrett
Our next meeting will be held Saturday, May 4th at 3 p.m. at Steak n Shake.
Meeting Minutes - February 2019
Our February meeting was held February 23rd at the residence of Mike and Becky Moore. Thank you to Mike and Becky for hosting the meeting. Members in attendance were: Mike and Becky Moore, Jim Proe, Craig Garrett, Scott George, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Steve Comer, Kelley McKenzie, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, Tom and Judy Keene and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting began with a financial report from Mike Moore, followed by discussion of two upcoming events, the 32nd Annual Midwest Chevelle Regional's, which our club is hosting June 28-29, and the 14th Annual GM Car and Truck show, also being hosted by our club on September 8.
Mike has obtained a very nice donation from O'Reilly's for the Regional show, and Mike is currently in talks with O'Reilly's for their continued support going forward with the shows we host. Mike has also received donation's from Ausley's Chevelle and Ground Up Restorations.
The venue has been set for both events, with the Regional's being held at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center, and the GM show being held at Reliable Chevrolet.
There are several areas of responsibility that go into putting on the Regional show, and several people have signed up to help, but more are needed. Bill Wiehe has agreed to head up the 1,000 point judging, but will need people to assist him. Craig Garret has volunteered to man the entrance for the show participants, but he too will need assistance throughout the two days. Robert Killingsworth will provide the music. Several areas still in need of volunteers are: Coordinating participant parking, heading up the Poker Run, and Registration (will need several to help with this.) I'm sure there are areas not mentioned here, but there will be more discussion about these needs at our next meeting. If you would like to help, please notify anyone in the club, or come to the next meeting to let us know what you would like to do.
The T-shirts for the show have been received by Mike, and they look very good. There is a photograph of the shirts on the show link under the "Current Events" tab, as well as a schedule of events. If you would like to register your car for the event, the earlier the better. There are a limited number of shirts in each size, and it is first come, first serve as far as reserving a T-shirt. There is a registration form on the show link under the "Current Events" tab with prices and where to mail your registration form and check. Hope to see you all there.
After finishing the discussions on the two shows, elections were held for this year's office holders. For the next year President is Mark Hooten, Vice President is Craig Garrett, Secretary is Mark Hooten, and Treasurer is Mike Moore. Thank you and congratulations to the office holders.
After elections were complete, the meeting was adjourned and everyone enjoyed chili and soup prepared by Becky Moore, as well as many sides and desserts brought by those in attendance.
Our next meeting will be held Saturday, April 6th at 3 p.m., at Steak 'n Shake, 1550 South Glenstone. Please come if you can. The Regional show is fast approaching and we could use some more help.
Posted 01-10-2018
Our club meeting scheduled for Satruday, January 12th, has been cancelled. The new date will be posted once it has been set.
Meeting Minutes - December 2018
Our December meeting was held December 1st in Logan’s Garage of Logan’s Roadhouse in Springfield, MO and also served as our annual club Christmas Dinner. Members in attendance were: Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Mike and Becky Moore, Randy and Dixie Wiemer, Mark and Lynn Jantz, Carolyn Rein, Jim and Chris Proe, Craig and Rhonda Garrett, Chuck and Lisa Price, Scott, Jaunita, Hannah and Kaylee George, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, Dennis and Carla Langston, Steve Cunningham and guest, Steve and Neva Comer, Tom and Judy Keene, Mark and Lisa Hooten, Jacob O’Neilll and guest, and Terry and Sherri Whitely. Thank you to all in attendance.
After the dinner, the meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
After the financial report, President Scott George had Kaylee and Hannah draw out ten names for members who won Andy’s Frozen Custard gift cards. Special thanks to Carolyn Rein who brought two of Perry’s club jackets to offer as a gift to any of the members who didn’t have a jacket. So they ended up being a perfect fit for Tom Keene and Steve Comer, who greatly appreciated them.
The 2019 Midwest Chevelle Regionals show is still on for June 28th & 29th as previously discussed, and Oasis Hotel will allow us to use their facility for the show next year. Mike showed a picture of the shirt design we’ll be using for the show. Discussions will begin at the next several meetings about signing up for helping during the show. A flyer with additional details is posted to the website under the "Current Events" tab.
The GM Car and Truck show is still on for September 8th as previously discussed, and it appears Reliable Chevrolet was happy with the event and will allow us to use their facility for the show next year. A flyer with additional details is posted to the website under the "Current Events" tab.
After some recent discussion with Mike Moore, he and Becky have generously offered to host the next club meeting in January on Saturday the 12th at 4pm in their shop, located at 3850 W. Farm Rd. 92, Springfield, MO 65803. As done in the past for January meetings, there will be a pot of chili, so please feel free to bring either a snack/side/dessert/drink if you can.
Also remember that this is the all-important election meeting, so please try to attend as we will be electing our leaders for the 2019 year. Plus many members’ dues came up in December, so if this applies to you, please bring $20 at this time.
Finally, thanks again for your support this year and hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Meeting Minutes - October 2018
Our October meeting was held at Steak n' Shake. Members in attendance were: Jim Proe, Randy Weimer, Mike Moore, Craig Garrett, Scott George, Chuck Price and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and Treasurer Mike Moore gave a financial report.
The GM Car and Truck show was discussed, and it appears Reliable Chevrolet was happy with the event and will allow us to use their facilty for the show next year. Due to the July heat, Reliable asked that we try and schedule the show for May or September, and it appears September 8th will be the date for the show. A flyer with additional details will be posted to the website under the "Current Events" tab once it has been finalized and approved.
The Midwest Chevelle Regionals will be hosted by our club June 28-29, 2019 at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center, 2546 North Glenstone. A flyer has been posted to the website under the "Current Events" tab with additional details. We have already received two registrations from out of town participants, and we are starting discussions as to the various duties which will need to be filled in order to make this a successful show.
It would be greatly appreciated if we could get some of our members to commit to coming to the show and help with making this show one which will continue to grow and draw in entrants from out of town. Infomation will be disseminated as it becomes available.
Our Christmas dinner will be held on December 1st (Saturday) from 5:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Logans Roadhouse, 1110 East Battlefield Road, Springfield, MO. Hope to see you all there!
Our next meeting be held at the Christmas dinner on December 1st.
Meeting Minutes - August 2018
Our August meeting was held at the residence of Mike and Becky Moore. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Jim Proe, Craig Garrett, Robert Killingsworth, Scott George and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and Treasurer Mike Moore gave a financial report.
Mike reported that the attendance for the GM Car and Truck Show was 46 cars, and a check for $334.00 was given to Crosslines. Mike also reported that the club renewed the club liability insurance.
The GM Car and Truck show was discussed, and it appears Reliable Chevrolet was happy with the event and will allow us to use their facilty for the show next year. Due to the July heat, Reliable asked that we try and schedule the show for May or September, and it appears September will be the month we choose. We are tentatively looking at September 8th or 15th.
One of the issues discussed as to the GM show was advertising. Reliable has indictated they would be willing to help us get the word out for next years show, and Mike Moore is currently working on a flyer for the show. Mike is trying to get the flyer completed so we can start handing them out as early as this November, at the Hot Rod Holiday Car Show.
Other avenues of advertising we currently use are Facebook and the Newsleader Weekend section. Any additional ideas on how to advertise would be appreciated.
The 2019 Chevelle Regionals, which will be hosted by our club, will be held in July, 2019. Mike Moore is currently working on a T-shirt design as well as flyers for the event.
Our next meeting will be held Saturday, October 6th at 3:00 p.m. at Steak n' Shake. If the weather is bad, we may move to the meeting to Mike's house. If the location changes, it will be posted on this website as well as on Facebook. Hope to see you there!
Meeting Minutes - July 2018
Our July meeting was held July 7th at the residence of Mike and Becky Moore. Members in attendance were: Mike and Becky Moore, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Craig and Rhonda Garrett, Scott, Juanita, Hannah and Kaylee George, and Mark and Lisa Hooten. Thank you to Mike and Becky for hosting the meeting and thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and Treasurer Mike Moore gave a financial report.
The location and time for the annual Christmas party has been confirmed, and will be held on December 1, 2018 at Logan's Roadhouse, 1110 East Battlefield Road, Springfield, MO from 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. A full menu will be available for all to order from. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there!
Mike Moore reported that designs are currently being prepared for the T-shirts for the 2019 Chevelle Regionals which will held in Springfield and hosted by our club. All members are encouraged to help out with the many duties necessary to ensure a quality show.
The GM Car and Truck Show hosted by the club will be held this Sunday, July 15th, at Reliable Chevrolet, 3655 South Campbell, Springfield, MO. The show begins at 9:00 a.m., but any members who would like to help with the show are asked to arrive early to assist with the various duties. If you have tables or canopies and can bring them, please do. The more tables and canopies the better. AND BRING OUT THOSE CHEVELLES! We hope to see you there.
Our next meeting is TBA. We will decide a date and time at the GM Car show.
After the meeting was adjourned, we were treated to a showing of American Graffiti, which was shown on a big screen in Mike's garage. There was plenty of food, drink and snacks, and everyone enjoyed the show.
Meeting Minutes - June 2018
Our June meeting was held June 10th at Lost Hill Park in Springfield, where members in attendance enjoyed a picnic. Members in attendance were: Craig and Rhonda Garrett, Mike Moore, Jim Proe, Scott George, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Mark Jantz, and Mark and Lis Hooten. Thanks to all in attendance.
After everyone had their fill of fried chicken and assorted side items and desserts, the meeting was called to order by President Scott George. The first order of business was a financial report by Treasurer Mike Moore.
On Saturday July 7th, Mike Moore will host a double feature movie at his shop, which is comfortably air conditioned!! The movies are set to begin at 6:30 p.m. and will feature the movies "Two Lane Blacktop" and "American Graffiti." Bring chairs and any food and drink you would like. All are welcome!
The GM Car and Truck Show will be held on Sunday, July 15th, at Reliable Chevrolet in Springfield, MO. All those who can attend should arrive early to help set up and organize things. Please bring tables and canopies if you have them.
Also discussed was the Midwest Chevelle Regionals being held being held in Wichita, KS September 6-8 and some preliminary discussion about the Chevelle Regionals hosted by our club in 2019. Mike Moore gave tentative dates for the 2019 Chevelle Regionals as June 28 and 29. Members in attendance agreed on those dates, and Mike will work with the Oasis Hotel in securing the dates.
Our 2018 Christmas dinner is scheduled for December 1st at 6:00 p.m. at Logan’s Roadhouse, 1110 East Battlefield Road, Springfield, MO. Logan's has a private meeting room and attendee's will be able to order food from the full menu. Just as last year, the cost of the meal will be the responsibility of each attendee. Thank you to Scott George for making the arrangements.
Our next meeting will be held Sunday, July 15th at the GM Car and Truck Show. No time has been set for the meeting, but it will be held once things get underway.
Meeting Minutes - May 2018
Our May meeting was held May 5th at Steak n’ Shake in Springfield. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Jim Proe, Scott George, Craig Garrett, Chuck Price, Dan and Lorrie Scott, Jacob O’Neill, Mick Mack and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore. Mike reported that the club liability insurance will expire in the next month or so, and all in attendance agreed the insurance should be renewed. Mike will take care of sending in the payment when the time is due.
Topics of discussion included the GM Car and Truck show, which will take place on Sunday, July 15th 2018 at Reliable Chevrolet, 3655 South Campbell in Springfield. Saturday was not an option for Reliable, so we will hope Sunday draws a good crowd. A flyer has been posted on the website under “Current Events.” Please help get the word out. There will be a DeeJay and food will be provided by Reliable Chevrolet.
Also discussed was the Midwest Chevelle Regionals being held being held in Wichita, KS September 6-8 and some preliminary discussion about the Chevelle Regionals hosted by our club in 2019. Mike Moore gave tentative dates for the 2019 Chevelle Regionals as June 28 and 29. Members in attendance agreed on those dates, and Mike will work with the Oasis Hotel in securing the dates.
Our 2018 Christmas dinner is scheduled for December 1st at 6:00 p.m. at Logan’s Roadhouse, 1110 East Battlefield Road, Springfield, MO. Logan's has a private meeting room and attendee's will be able to order food from the full menu. Just as last year, the cost of the meal will be the responsibility of each attendee. Thank you to Scott George for making the arrangements.
There was some discussion about a club get together for a cruise out to the Hangar Kafe for dinner or a drive-in movie at Mike Moore’s residence. Nothing was finalized, but when decided upon, will be posted to the website. Stay tuned.
Our next meeting will be on Sunday, June 10th at 3:00 p.m. at Lost Hill Park, 4705 North Farm Road 151 (Grant Avenue north out of Springfield.) The meeting will also be a picnic with fried chicken provided by the club. All those in attendace are asked to bring an item such as drinks, desserts and side dishes. Hope to see everyone there. We’ve done this in the past and it turned out very well.
Meeting Minutes - April 2018
Our April meeting was held April 7th at Steak n' Shake in Springfield. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Jim Proe, Scott George, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Mark Jantz, and Mark and Lisa Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
Scott George has been working on arranging our Christmas Dinner for 2018, and the preliminary arrangements are for the dinner to take place on December 1st at 6:00 p.m. at Logans Roadhouse, 1110 East Battlefield Road, Springfield, MO. Logan's has a private meeting room and attendee's will be able to order food from the full menu. Just as last year, the cost of the meal will be the responsiblity of each attendee.
The GM Car and Truck Show is scheduled for Sunday, July 15th 2018 at Reliable Chevrolet, 3655 South Campbell, Springfield, MO. A flyer has been posted on the website under "Current Events." QCCC member Mark Moore of G.L. Moore Tire Pros and Automotive is a sponsor for the show. Thank you very much Mark.
The Midwest Chevelle Regionals will be held in Wichita, KS September 6-8. A flyer has been posted on the website under "Current Events".
QCCC has a new member, Dale McIntosh. Dale is an accomplished author and has written several books on Chevelle's. Google him to see his publishings. Welcome Dale.
Our next meeting will be held Saturday, May 5th at 3:00 p.m. at Steak n' Shake, 1550 South Glenstone, Springfield, MO.
Meeting Minutes - March 2018
Our March meeting was held March 3rd at the residence of Mike and Becky Moore. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Robert Killingsworth, Jim Proe, Steve Cunningham, Scott George, Craig Garrett, Mark Jantz, Kelley McKenzie and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance and thank you to Mike and Becky for hosting the meeting.
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
After the financial report the open Vice President position was discussed, and Craig Garrett agreed to fill the position on an interim basis until elections are held next year. Thank you for volunteering Craig.
Topics of discussion included the GM Car and Truck show, which will take place on Sunday, July 15th 2018 at Reliable Chevrolet, 3655 South Campbell in Springfield. Saturday was not an option for Reliable, so we will hope Sunday draws a good crowd. A flyer has been posted on the website under “Current Events.” Please help get the word out. There will be live music and a DeeJay, and food will be provided by Reliable Chevrolet.
Also discussed was the Midwest Chevelle Regionals being held in Wichita, KS September 6-8 and some preliminary discussion about the Chevelle Regionals hosted by our club in 2019. Mike Moore gave tentative dates for the 2019 Chevelle Regionals as June 28 and 29. Members in attendance agreed on those dates, and Mike will work with the Oasis Hotel in securing the dates.
After the meeting ended, Mike gave a presentation about his 1970 LS6 that included background information on the car, purchase information, documentation which included the Protecto-O-Plate and build sheet, restoration information, restoration photographs and general facts about the car. Mike also talked about his recently restored 1970 convertible, which was restored to LS6 specifications. Everyone got to look at both cars and wish they were in our own garages. Both cars are beautiful and the information about each was very interesting.
Our next meeting will be Saturday, April 7th at 3:00 p.m. at Steak ‘n Shake, 1550 South Glenstone.
Meeting Minutes - January 2018
We hope that everyone had a Happy New Year! Our January meeting was held at 2:30 pm on a “much warmer” Sunday the 21st at Bill and Marcie Estes’ Last Chance Garage in Rogersville. Members in attendance were: Bill and Marcie Estes, Mike Moore, Chuck Price, Jim Proe and Scott George. Thank you to those in attendance and a special thanks to Bill and Marcie for providing the nearly famous chili and hosting the meeting.
After the food and some auto auction and playoff conversation, the meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore. Upon review of the club dues, Mike will be sending letters out to those who need notified.
Jim Proe reported that the 13th Annual GM Car and Truck Show is still on for Sunday, July 15th 2018 at Reliable Chevrolet, 3655 South Campbell in Springfield. A flyer has been made and posted on the website under “Current Events.” Jim has also received response back from multiple venders that will be sending items for the goody bags.
There will be a DJ, and food will be provided by Reliable Chevrolet.
Mike Moore restated that the dates for the 2019 Chevelle Regionals, hosted by our club and held in Springfield in 2019, are June 28 and 29. Mike will continue to work with the Oasis Hotel in things such as the room rates, menu items and rates for the dinner that weekend which may affect meal tickets and/or show rates that may need further discussion. The 2018 Chevelle Regionals, hosted by the Wichita Club is still set for September 6th thru 8th.
The time came for re-election discussions for the 2018 year. With the few members in attendance it was decided as follows: President - Scott George, Treasurer - Mike Moore, Secretary - Mark Hooten, Board of Directors – Craig Garrett, Bill Wiehe, and Mark Jantz. With Chuck Price stepping down, the position for Vice President is “to be determined” by nominations and a vote from the members at the next meeting. Thanks again to all of the officers for 2017.
The next meeting will be held on Saturday, March 3rd at 2pm at Mike and Becky Moore’s shop located at 3850 W. Farm Rd. 92, Springfield, MO 65803. Keep warm, knowing that April will soon be here and the cruising will begin again.
Meeting Minutes - December 2017
Our December meeting was held December 2nd at Belgian Waffle House in Ozark, MO and also served as our annual club Christmas Dinner. Members in attendance were: Mike and Becky Moore, Randy and Dixie Wiemer, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Jim Proe, Steve Cunningham, Scott, Juanita, Hannah and Kaylee George, Carolyn Rein and Ashton Atteberry, Craig and Rhonda Garrett, Larry and Linda Brown, Larry and Linda Davis, Steve and Neva Comer, Chuck and Lisa Price, Dennis Langston and Mark and Lisa Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
After the dinner, the meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
After the financial report, President Scott George presented Carolyn Rein and Ashton and Lexi Atteberry with lifetime club memberships in honor of Perry Rein, the husband of Carolyn and grandfather of Ashton and Lexi. Perry was a lifelong and dedicated member of the club and will be missed by all. Each was presented with a very nice framed print of Perry standing alongside his two Chevelles.
Jim Proe reported that the 13th Annual GM Car and Truck Show will take place on Sunday, July 15th 2018 at Reliable Chevrolet, 3655 South Campbell in Springfield. Saturday was not an option for Reliable, so we hope Sunday draws a good crowd. A flyer has been made and posted on the website under “Current Events.” Please help get the word out. There will be live music and a DeeJay, and food will be provided by Reliable Chevrolet.
Mike Moore gave tentative dates for the 2019 Chevelle Regionals, which will be hosted by our club and held in Springfield in 2019, as June 28 and 29. Members in attendance agreed on those dates, and Mike will work with the Oasis Hotel in securing the dates.
After some recent discussion with Bill Estes, he and Marcie have generously offered to host the next club meeting in January on Sunday the 14th at 2pm in their “Last Chance Garage” located at 3924 S. Leigh Lane, Rogersville, MO 65742. As done in the past, he will be putting on his nearly famous chili recipe, so please feel free to bring either a snack/side/dessert/drink if you can. Also remember that this is the all-important election meeting, so please try to attend as we will be electing our leaders for the 2018 year. Plus many members’ dues came up in December, so if this applies to you, please bring $20 at this time. Finally, thanks again for your support this year and hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
September, 2017 Club Cruise
On September 22, 2017, five cars of Queen City Chevelle Club members set off on an adventure, leaving Springfield early that Friday morning headed east toward the Mississippi.
After crossing the Mississippi and entering Kentucky, we headed north toward Metropolis, Indiana, the hometown of Superman, or at least the hometown of a 25 foot tall statue of the man of steel. There was a short break before we finished our journey to our destination for the night, Cave City, Kentucky, where we slept in a teepee.
The Wigwam motel has units that look like teepees made out of concrete. The Wigwam in Cave City is one of three remaining of the original seven built between 1930 and 1940, with the other two located along Route 66 out west. Cave City received its name because it is near Mammoth Cave, the world’s largest known cave, so while there we took a short tour of the cave.
Our next stop was Sommerset, Kentucky, the car cruise capital of Kentucky. It was the fourth Saturday of the month, which was cruise night, so we cruised into the downtown cruise for a while before getting back on the road.
We headed south and stopped at Cumberland Falls, the Niagara of the South, for some waterfall viewing before getting back on the road to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, for Saturday and Sunday night. Our time in Pigeon Forge was spent visiting the Smokies Mountains, a little shopping, and an evening of fun and food at a dinner theater.
On Monday morning we crossed into North Carolina, headed to Asheville and the Biltmore Estate. The Biltmore is America's largest private home, built in the 1890's by the Vanderbilts. The opulent four story home has 250 rooms, including 35 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms, an indoor swimming pool and a bowling alley. We also toured the beautiful gardens, observing how the ultra-rich lived during the gilded age, before piling back into our old hot rods and heading north on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We enjoyed the mountain scenery before crossing back into Kentucky for the night.
On Tuesday we headed north, and for lunch we stopped in Corbin, Kentucky at the Harlan Sanders Cafe and Museum, the original restaurant of Colonel Sanders of KFC fame.
After refueling ourselves, we headed to Williamstown, Kentucky to visit the Ark Encounter, a recreation of Noah's ark. The massive ship was built to the dimensions in the bible, with three decks of cages with animals and living quarters for Noah and his family. At 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 51 feet high, the guys marveled at the engineering of the ship. We spent the night in Lexington, getting a good night’s sleep.
On Wednesday we drove all day to return home. We arrived in Springfield just in time for everyone to have dinner together before we parted ways.
Cruise participants this year included: Steve & Neva Comer, Tom & Judy Keene, Dan & Lori Scott, Randy & Dixie Weimer and Terry & Sherri Whitely. This is the third year we have all gone on a classic cruise and there were no car fires, motor problems or fist fights, just a good time, so much so that everyone decided they wanted to do it again next year. Maybe we will head west.
Meeting Minutes - October 2017
Our October meeting was held October 7th at Steak n Shake on North Glenstone. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Scott and Juanita George, Craig Garret, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Jim Proe, Bill and Kathy Wiehe, Mark Jantz and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
Mike Moore and Bill Wiehe talked about the Midwest Regionals in Nebraska which led to discussion about the Regional’s to be hosted by our club in 2019. There was discussion about firming up a date, with more discussion to come at future meetings.
Jim Proe has been speaking with management at Reliable Chevrolet here in Springfield about them possibly hosting our GM Car and Truck Show in 2018. Updates will be posted as they become available.
Our annual Club Christmas Party will take place on December 2, 2017 from 6p.m.-9p.m. at the Belgian Waffle House in Ozark, MO (1882 West James River Drive.) Please remember that at this year’s Christmas Party the club will not be paying for any portion of the meal, and the cost of the meal will be the responsibility of each member. Participants will be able to order food from the full menu. Thank you to Chuck Price for organizing this event.
We will not have a club meeting in November. Our next club meeting will take place at the Christmas Dinner December, 2 at the Belgian Waffle House.
September 6, 2017
We have just learned that Perry Rein, a dedicated and long time member of the Queen City Chevelle Club, passed away last night, September 5, 2017, from natural causes. Perry was a very good man and will be missed by all who knew him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Carolyn and the enitre Rein family.
Visitation will be Sunday, September 10, 2017, from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Shadel's Colonial Chapel, 1001 Lynn Street, Lebanon, MO 65536.
A memorial service will be held on Monday, September 11, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. at Shadel's Colonial Chapel.
For additional information please go to
Additionally, Rhonda Garrett spoke with Carolyn Rein, and Carolyn would like to invite any club members attending Perry's funeral on Monday to drive their Chevelle's and have them in the funeral procession.
Meeting Minutes - September 2017
Our September meeting was held September 2nd at Steak n Shake on North Glenstone. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Scott George, Craig Garrett and Rhonda Garret, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Mark Hooten and Mark Jantz. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
There was conversation about the 30th Midwest Chevelle Regionals in Nebraska. If you are interested in attending and have not made arrangements, please do so soon, as the show is quickly approaching. For more information about the show, you can view the flyer on our website under “Current Events.”
Due to medical setbacks suffered by both Kim and Becky Keith, there will be no “Spooky Moon” this year. There is a letter from Kim posted on the club website which further explains his decision, and can be found under “Current Events.” Scroll down to October 1st and click on the “Spooky Moon Letter” link.
Our club has lost three members who have chosen not to renew their membership.
Our next club meeting will be held on Saturday, October 7th at 5:00 p.m. at Steak n Shake, 1550 South Glenstone.
Meeting Minutes - August 2017
Our August meeting was held August 5th at Steak n Shake on North Glenstone. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Jim Proe and Robert and Jean Killingsworth.
Jim reported that Tom with Crosslines has asked us to pick a date for next year's GM show, and he will go to the Fairgrounds and request said date.
Robert said Kim Keith was recovering from bypass surgery at Mercy hospital.
Mike reported we paid our Club Liability Insurance for the year, as well as our Website hosting fee to Dale McIntosh.
If you are planning on attending the Regional show in Nebraska next month, please contact Mike Moore. We are putting a list together so we can make travel plans. So far we have Mike Moore, Craig and Rhonda Garrett, and Bill and Kathy Wiehe.
Next meeting to be determined.
Meeting Minutes - July 2017
Our July meeting was held July 1st at Steak n Shake on North Glenstone. Members in attendance were: Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Jim Proe, Craig Garrett, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Mick Mack and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
Mike Moore advised those in attendance that the club liability insurance policy was set to expire. After a short discussion, all in attendance agreed the club should renew the policy, so Mike will be writing a check to renew the insurance.
The primary area of discussion was the GM car show and the lower than expected attendance we received at this year’s show. Conversation centered around next year’s show and where it will be held, any changes people might like to see, etc. There were no decisions made, and the subject will be further discussed at future meetings. If any of our membership has ideas or thoughts on the subject, please reach out to someone or come to some of the meetings and share them. All thoughts are welcome. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Chevelle Club in Oklahoma, which was originally slated to host the 2018 Chevelle Regionals in Tulsa, has gone defunct, thus moving up Wichita and our club in the rotation. The 2018 Regionals will now be held in Wichita, KS, and the 2019 Regionals will be held here in Springfield.
Our next club meeting will be held on Saturday, August 5th at 5:00 p.m. at Steak n Shake, 1550 South Glenstone. Please note we have gone back to having our meetings at 5:00 p.m. instead of 3:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes - June 2017
Our June meeting was held June 17th at the Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds, which was the same day as our annual GM Car and Truck Show. Members in attendance were: Jim Proe, Craig and Rhonda Garrett, Bill Wiehe, Chuck Price, Randy Wiemer, Dennis Langston, Mick Mack, Steve Comer and Mark Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance and thank you to all who arrived early to help set up for the show.
This year our show was held at the Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds with the band Smokey Folk playing live music and DJ’ing during breaks. The band was very good and we appreciate them performing for our guests. Thank you to Jim Proe for getting the car show together as well as getting Smokey Folk to play for us.
Our attendance this year was a little smaller than in past years, and we can only assume the change of venue, weather and competition from several other shows was the reason. That being said, we look forward to having 100 entries for next year’s show.
After the show, we solicited and received several ideas from the entrants as to how we can improve the show and what they as participants would like to see. Maybe during this next year we members call talk to our friends and those at the various cruise-in’s and shows we attend to get their ideas as well.
The Chevelle Club in Oklahoma, which was originally slated to host the 2018 Chevelle Regionals in Tulsa, has gone defunct, thus moving up Wichita and our club in the rotation. The 2018 Regionals will now be held in Wichita, KS, and the 2019 Regionals will be held here in Springfield.
On Saturday we learned that our friend Perry Rein was in the hospital in Springfield. Rhonda Garrett spoke with Perry’s wife, Carolyn, and at the time Carolyn said the doctors were still evaluating Perry, but it sounded as if Perry was going to be okay. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Perry and Carolyn and their family and we wish Perry a swift and complete recovery.
Our next club meeting will be held on Saturday, July 1st at 3:00 p.m. at Steak n Shake, 1550 South Glenstone.
Meeting Minutes - May 2017
Our May meeting was held May 6th at Steak ‘n Shake. Members in attendance were: Scott George, Chuck Price, Jim Proe, Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Craig Garrett, Mark Hooten, Perry and Carolyn Rein, Larry Davis and Scott Matlock. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
The club’s 12th Annual GM Car and Truck Show will be held June 17th, 2017, from 9am-3pm at the fairgrounds. All members are encouraged to meet at the Fairgrounds between 7-7:30 am on the day of the show to assist with set up duties, and are further asked to bring a canopy and/or tables if you have them. Members are also asked to bring coolers for ice and water, as the Fairgrounds has permitted us to provide water for those in attendance. Food and other drink items will still need to be purchased from the BootDaddy Grille, which will be open from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. the day of the show.
Additional details about the show can be found on the flyer.
The Chevelle Club in Oklahoma, which was originally slated to host the 2018 Chevelle Regionals in Tulsa, has gone defunct, thus moving up Wichita and our club in the rotation. The 2018 Regionals will now be held in Wichita, KS, and the 2019 Regionals will be held here in Springfield.
The cruise to the Hangar Kafe for lunch has been postponed due to a scheduling conflict with another cruise. As soon as a new date is determined, we will post it to the website.
Our next club meeting will be held on June 17th at the GM Car and Truck show. We’ll meet sometime around 1:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes - April 2017
Our April meeting was held April 1st at Steak ‘n Shake. Members in attendance were: Scott George and daughter Hannah, Chuck Price, Jim Proe, Mike Moore, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Craig and Rhonda Garrett, Mark Hooten, Mark Jantz and James Wisely. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
Jim Proe has worked hand in hand with Tom Falkner from Crosslines and it looks like we will be having our 12th Annual GM Car and Truck Show this year after all. The show will be held June 17th, 2017, from 9am-3pm at the fairgrounds. There will be a roped off area for all participants and the entry fee will be $20.00 per car.
A few significant changes will accompany this year’s show. First, we will have both a live band as well as a DJ to play music during the band’s breaks. The band is Smokey Folk and they are a bluegrass/rock band but their music covers several genre’s.
The second change is that the Fairgrounds will not allow the club to bring in or prepare food for the participants, as had been done in the past. This year there will be food and drink available for purchase in the BootDaddy Grille in the rodeo arena.
Participants may bring donations of canned food items for Crosslines, but donated food will not replace the $20.00 entry fee.
Thank you to Jim for all the hard work to get the show together. For someone who retired from this duty, you sure did a good job!
Mike Moore has made flyers for the show which have been posted to the Club Website as well as the Club Facebook page, and will be passed out at the various shows and cruise-ins. Thank you to Mike and the nifty ’70 convertible on the flyer.
Club member Mark Moore of G.L. Moore Tire Pros and Automotive has volunteered to sponsor our show and has donated money to pay Smokey Folk and the DJ for their performance. Thank you, Mark, for the sponsorship and the donation, both are very much appreciated.
All members are encouraged to meet at the Fairgrounds between 7-7:30 am on the day of the show to assist with set up duties, and are further asked to bring a canopy if they have one.
Additional details about the show can be found on the flyer.
The annual Club Christmas Party has been officially scheduled, and will take place on December 2, 2017 from 6pm-9pm at the Belgian Waffle House in Ozark, MO (1882 West James River Drive.) Please remember that at this year’s Christmas Party the club will not be paying for any portion of the meal, and the cost of the meal will be the responsibility of each member. Thank you to Chuck Price for organizing this event.
The Club would like to welcome our newest member, Mick Mack. Mick has a Torch red 1965 El Camino and joined the club in December, 2016. Mick attended his first meeting in April, 2017 and we look forward to seeing Mick at our meetings and events. Welcome Mick!
There were discussions about a Club cruise to the Hangar Kafe in Miller, MO on Sunday, May 7th for an early dinner, with all participants meeting at the Sonic Restaurant at Chestnut Expressway and West Bypass at 3pm to start the cruise. I’m sure this will be discussed further at our next meeting, which will be Saturday, May 6th at 3pm at Steak ‘n Shake. See you there.
Meeting Minutes - March 2017
Our March meeting was held at the residence of Perry and Carolyn Rein in Lebanon, MO. Thank you to Perry and Carolyn for your hospitality and thank you to all who brought snacks and drinks. Members in attendance were: Perry and Carolyn Rein, Scott and Juanita George and girls, Chuck and Lisa Price, Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Jim Proe, Craig and Rhonda Garrett and Mark and Lisa Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance.
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a financial report from Treasurer Mike Moore.
There were two primary areas of discussion, our annual GM Car and Truck Show at Thompson Buick GMC Cadillac and our annual Christmas party.
During the February meeting Jim Proe informed us that Thompson’s will not be hosting our GMC show this year, leaving us with several options which were discussed at length, with additional ideas discussed during the March meeting.
Ideas included a Cruise-In type event where we cruise to a designated location for a car show where we would have music and food. Participants could join the cruise to the event site or show up to the event site without participating in the cruise. If this option were to be decided upon, an additional decision would need to be made as to whether we limit the participants to General Motors vehicles or open the event to all makes and models.
A second idea discussed was teaming with Crosslines to host a car show at the Fairgrounds parking lot. Complete details are not known at this time, but it would appear the show may be in conjunction with a monster car and truck event being held at the Fairgounds on the same date, but with the monster car and truck show being held later in the day. The Fairgrounds would also require they open at least two food concession stands for the purchase of food and drinks by participants. The club would not be allowed to provide food free of charge and has been the practice at Thompson’s. Jim Proe is awaiting a call back from Crosslines on the Fairgrounds option, so a decision to vote on one of these options or to opt out of sponsoring a car show this year was shelved until the April, 2017 meeting.
The second area of discussion was the annual Christmas Party. Chuck Price informed us that he spoke with management at the Belgian Waffle House in Ozark, MO (1882 West James River Drive.) Chuck learned the Belgian Waffle House has a private meeting room which can accommodate about fifty people, and there is no charge to rent the room. Furthermore, all attendees would be able to order anything from the full menu, thus adding numerous options which would surely have something for everyone.
It was decided to reserve the room for December 2, 2017, with a start time to be determined at a later date, but most likely in the 5 p.m.-7 p.m. time frame. Please remember that at this year’s Christmas Party the club will not be paying for any portion of the meal, and the cost of the meal will be the responsibility of each member.
The 2017 Regionals will be in Nebraska this year. See the attached flyers in the “Current Events” Section for more information.
The 2018 Regionals will be in Tulsa, OK, 2019 Regionals will be in Wichita, KS and the 2020 Regionals will be here in Springfield, MO.
The April meeting will be held on Saturday, April 1st at 3:00 p.m. at Steak ‘n Shake, 1550 South Glenstone. Get those hot rods out and join us! If the weather is not good, we will still grab a burger and have the meeting inside. We will most likely be making a final decision as to what we will do about the GM car show as well as discuss the start time for the Christmas Dinner, and would love to listen to any additional ideas and comments.
See you April 1st!
Meeting Minutes - February 2017
Our February meeting was held at the residence of Robert and Jean Killingsworth, and those attending brought snacks and drinks for all. Thank you, Robert, and Jean for your hospitality. Members in attendance were: Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Jim Proe, Randy and Dixie Weimer, Scott George, Craig Garrett, Chuck Price and Mark and Lisa Hooten. Thank you to all in attendance. The March meeting time and location has not yet been decided, but will posted to the Website once determined. Please check back soon.
There were two primary areas of discussion, our annual GM Car and Truck Show at Thompson Buick GMC Cadillac and our annual Christmas party.
Jim Proe informed us that Thompson’s will not be hosting our GMC show this year, leaving us with several options which were discussed at length. Ideas included trying to locate another GM dealer in the area who may be interested in hosting the show; changing the theme of the show to allow all vehicle makes and hosting the show at some other venue, such as the Battlefield Mall parking lot or some other parking lot; changing the theme to some type cruise-in with activities, such as a poker run, movie, etc.; or doing nothing and not have a car show. It was decided to table the thoughts and postpone a vote until possibly the March meeting, where we hope to have more members present.
Please Please Please, if you have any ideas or thoughts on the subject, please contact President Scott George or Vice President Chuck Price, or please come to the March meeting to discuss your ideas.
The second area of discussion was the annual Christmas Party. Discussion included having members pay for half of their meal at the party or having members pay for their entire meal. Also discussed was venue, as the current venue continues to increase their cost, and whether or not we should try to reserve a room at a local restaurant, thus giving everyone a full menu of food items from which to choose.
The 2017 Regionals will be in Nebraska this year. See the attached flyers in the “Current Events” Section for more information.
The 2018 Regionals will be in Tulsa, OK, 2019 Regionals will be in Wichita, KS and the 2020 Regionals will be here in Springfield, MO.
We hope to see you at the next meeting, and bring with you some thoughts and ideas on these two subjects.
Rumblings – January 2017
Dixie Weimer hosted our January election meeting on Sunday January 8th at Braums restaurant on North Kansas Expressway. It was good to see everyone. Those in attendance were Chuck and Lisa Price, Craig and Rhonda Garrett, Jim and Donna Wisely, Scott and Jaunita George and girls, Steve Comer, Mike Moore, Perry and Carolyn Rein, Tom and Judy Keene, Mark and Lisa Hooten, and Dixie Weimer.
The newly elected officers for 2017 are:
President - Scott George
Vice President -Chuck Price
Secretary - Mark Hooten (also webmaster)
Treasurer - Mike Moore
CONGRATULATIONS to the new officers!!!!!
Discussions included:
2017 Midwest Chevelle Regionals at La Vista, Nebraska Sept. 22-23
2017 Christmas Party suggestions needed
Dues list updated
All GM show changes
I would like to sincerely thank our club members for their great help and support this past year. I think the activities help from Randy and Dixie was a big plus, and appreciated. Looking forward to more fun get-togethers this year. Let's pitch in, volunteer, participate, make new suggestions, and support Scott for a great new Chevelle lovin' year!! Punch it! "Get out there and BURN SOME GAS" Chuck Price
Our next club meeting will be held on February 4th at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Robert and Jean Killingsworth, 2116 North Delaware, Springfield, MO. Members may bring a snack and/or drink to be shared by all.
Meeting Minutes - January 2017
Despite a change of meeting plans due to the inclement weather, there was a large group of club members who attended the club's election meeting held at Braums at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday the 8th. Members present were: Mike Moore, Dixie Weimer, Steve Comer, Perry & Carolyn Rein, Craig & Rhonda Garrett, Chuck & Lisa Price, Scott & Jaunita George (& girls), Jim & Donna Wisely, Tom & Judy Keene, Mark & Lisa Hooten.
First order of business was the election of officers for 2017. Our
new officers are:
President - Scott George
Vice President - Chuck Price
Secretary - Mark Hooten
Treasurer - Mike Moore
Board members - Bill Wiehe, Craig Garrett and Mark Jantz
Mike Moore will have the treasury
Thanks to past and future officers for your service.
There were a few items brought up that will be discussed at future meetings, and your ideas or opinions will be welcomed.
1. The Club's Christmas party location and date.
2. GM Show. Do we want to continue with a car show or change to different type of fund raiser event such as a cruise-in?
3. Regional Chevelle show in Omaha, NE September 22 & 23. The flyer has been posted in the "Current Events" section of our website.
4. Facebook. It has been a year since the club joined Facebook. Any suggestions or comments anyone has our Facbook site would be welcomed.
Our Feburary meeting time and place will be announced at a later
time and the trip to the Hangar Kafe will rescheduled for
March. Please check our website for updates.
Rumblings - December 2016
Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy Chevelle'in New Year too! It's been a fun year to be your President. Many thanks to our other officers and members who have added so much to make it a great club!
to our January meeting.
leaders for the following year. Also, many member's dues came due in December. If you think this might apply to you, be sure to bring $20 or a checkbook. We will have the list there to check.
Meeting Minutes - December 2016
Happy Holidays... the Queen City Chevelle club gathered in the Kalahari
room at the Ramanda Oasis on Saturday, December 3rd for the clubs
annual Christmas party. A delious meal was enjoyed by the
group along with visiting, drawing for door prizes and a short business
Remember club dues expire either in June or December, so if you
have not already paid your dues this year you may be expired.
Next club meeting will be hosted by the Weimer's on Sunday January
the 8th, more details will be sent later.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Meeting Minutes - October 2016
A pair of Aces won the Queen City Chevelle Club's poker run on Sunday the 8th. Kim Keith was the lucky winner. It was a beautiful day for the run which started on the north side of Springfield with 12 cars and ended up at the Finley River Park in Ozark. Joined by other club members at the park we were treated to hamburgers and hot dogs grilled for us by President Chuck. Thanks to Chuck and Lisa for all of their work to get the picnic and the poker run pulled together. After our meal there was a short meeting. There was also some discussion about a change of the date and location of the GM show held at Thompson's.
It was decided the next meeting would be during the Clubs Christmas party which will be held on Saturday, December the 3rd at the Ramada Oasis. Club members will pay $15 for their meal and we will be needing a head count in late November. An e-mail reminder will sent out in November. Please remember that if you did not pay your dues in May then they will be due in December.
Regionals in Kansas City at Cabela's went off well, with several of our members winning nice awards. Perry and Carolyn Rein won a top 3 award for their original class 1972. Bill and Kathy Wiehe won a top 3 award for their original class 1967. Robert and Jean Killingsworth won a top 3 award for their original class 1969. Craig and Rhonda Garrett won a top 3 pick from the 1000 point judges for their 1966 and a top 3 award for modified 1966 class. Kyle and Tara Booth won best paint for their 1970, as well as a top 3 original award . We're talking 160 plus of the best Chevelles in the midwest! Congratulations to all who brought home an award!
Spooky Moon fun run and Hotrod Picnic at Kim Keith Farm saw beautiful weather and over 600 cool hotrods. They really put on a great event!
Meeting Minutes - September 2016
It won't be long before the leaves will start to change their colors, we'll be dragging out the sweaters, and Starbucks will once again offer the pumpkin spice latte. That's right it is almost fall. The club has a fun fall meeting planned for Sunday October 9th. We will meet at the Dickerson Park Zoo parking lot at 1:00 . We will have a poker run as we cruise to the Ozark Finley Park in Ozark or just meet us there at the red pavillion at 1:30. Once we all gather we will have a meal of burgers and dogs, we ask that all club members bring a chips, dessert, or other side dish. Then we will have our club meeting. Remember that Spooky Moon is coming up October 2 at Keith farm's the Loft near Ash Grove. And then December 3rd will be the club Christmas party held at the Ramada Oasis, at our club meeting it was voted that each club member that attends pay $15 for their meal. Coming this weekend is the Chevelle regional hosted by the MidAmerica Chevelle Club at the Cabela's Village West Shopping Center at the Legends in Kansas City. Get out there enjoy the road!
See you there - Dixie
Meeting Minutes - August 2016
Meeting Minutes - July 2016
Meeting Minutes - June 2016
Another Chevelle club picnic was celebrated July 12th at the Lost
Hill park. Club members enjoyed fried chicken and ham sandwiches
along with delicious side dishes provided by club members. A short
business meeting was held before the meal. President Chuck discussed
the upcoming GM show and the Chevelle Regional to be held in Kansas
City, check the website for more details. And it seems traditional
that there has to be a rain shower when we picnic so everyone scattered
as the rain moved in. Scott George had a little misfortune from
his car, but did finally make it home. Next club meeting at Steak
and Shake, July 2nd at 5pm.
Meeting Minutes - May 2016
Sunday, June 12th at 2:00 p.m. for lunch and our monthly meeting. Randy and Dixie are working up a picnic feast for us. Bring side dish or dessert, and lawn chairs. Fun times.....Be There !!
For those that would like to take a short cruise to the park, we will meet at the Dickerson Park Zoo at 1:00 p.m. and cruise to the park from there.
April 2016 - Rumblings
"Back in the saddle again"
Meeting Minutes - April 2016
A large crowd showed up on Saturday April the 2nd for the first
Cruise in of 2016 at Steak and Shake, and despite it not being the
warmest of spring days there was also a large crowd who showed up
for the Chevelle club meeting. President Price called
the meeting to order and discussed some upcoming events. James
River Assembly has invited classic car owners to display their rides
at both campuses on Friday
April the 15th during
their men's conference and join them for the events evening meal
. If you are interested or need more information call Chuck
for more details. Also the club will be sending some seed
money to the Kansas City club to help with their regional show which
is to be held September
23 & 24 ,
hosted by the Mid America Chevelle Club at the Legends shopping
center in Kansas City. We also responded to some survey questions
for the Heartland club regarding their regional show in 2017 in
Omaha. The Christmas party has been booked for December
the 3rd at
the Ramada Oasis.
Next club meeting will be May
7th at 5pm during
the Steak &Shake cruise in.
March 2016 - Rumblings
Thanks to Bill and Marcy Estes for hosting our March meeting. Was glad to catch up a bit with Chevelle lovers. Steve Cunningham has gotten off to a great start on our Facebook page. The networking can’t help but increase our exposure and inform of upcoming events. Cruise-in season is fast upon us. Hoping your ride is ready for some show and GO! Cruising USA Frozen Custard in Nixa has a new schedule out. Their first event is Saturday, March 19th and will be held the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 4-10 p.m. Culver’s Kruz-In, 2520 N. Glenstone, Spfd is the 2nd Saturday of the month. Steak-N-Shake at 1550 S. Glenstone , Spfd. is the first Saturday of the month, from April to October. Queen City Chevelle Club's April meeting will be held at Steak-N-Shake, Saturday April 2, at 5:00 p.m.. Saturday, May 7, at 5:00 p.m. will follow for the next meeting. Other events to put on your calendar are the Clever Band Show on May 14th, Street Rod Nationals May 27-29, Ol’ Marais River Run, Ottawa KS Sept. 17-18, GM Car and Truck Show August 6th, Midwest Chevelle Regional, Cabela’s, KC, Kansas, Sept. 23-24. Hot Rod Power Tour June11-17 starts at Gonzales, Louisiana, through Baytown, TX., Austin, Grand Prairie, TX, Ok City, Ok, Wichita, and KC Kansas. Cruisin the Coast October 2-9…..Get out and BURN SOME GAS!
Josh Longnecker of James River Church contacted me regarding their upcoming Men’s Conference April 15 from 3 to 7 p.m. They would like to have some muscle cars to display at each campus. One is near Ozark off hwy 65 and CC. The other is off 60 hwy near West Bypass and Republic Road. They will have food, games, and activities to entertain. They would like to know ahead of time if you would like to attend. Please let me know if you have questions, and would like to go.
Sadly, Mike Moore’s brother, Tony passed away this week. He and Mike enjoyed many Chevelle projects together. Our sincere condolences to the family.
Chuck Price
Meeting Minutes - March 2016
President Chuck Price opened the March club meeting, which was held at the home of Bill and Marcie Estes on Sunday the 6th. Bill and Marcie treated us to grilled hot dogs and chili along with side dishes from club members. After the club business was discussed, Jim Proe reported he had fliers for the GM show printed up and that requests for goodie bags had been sent out. The show is scheduled for August 6th and the club is still searching for a show coordinator. Steve Cunningham will be setting up the club's Facebook page, so be sure to find us on the web and like us on Facebook. The club has gone to a biannual renewal set up for club dues, and dues will now be payable in either May or December. The next club meeting will at 5pm on April 2nd and will be held during Steak 'n Shakes first cruise-in of the 2016 season.
January 2016 - Rumblings
Hi everyone! Hope wintertime finds you cozy, but anxious to get out and burn some gas. Got your oil changed, stuff fixed, polished and waxed? Me neither, but Queen City Chevelles has a new president, and I hope to serve you well. I hope to get some replies on some fun things you would like to see us do. Randy and Dixie Weimer are designated Activities Co-chairs for a good reason. They usually know what’s coming up, or are good at coming up with fun ideas. I hope to post some activities that are of interest to all of you.
Bill and Marcy Estes will host our February and March meeting. Not much is happening, so we’ll combine the two months into one meeting on Sunday, March 6 at 2:30 p.m. It will be at their home (shop). Bring a crock pot of soup or chili, veggie tray, salad, cheese and crackers, chips, drinks or dessert. Their address is: 3924 S. Leigh Ln. Rogersville, Mo. Thank You, Bill and Marcy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 3rd starts the cruise-in scene, and our April meeting will be at Steak-N-Shake at 5:00 p.m. On the same day, try to stop in at the “417 Coffee and Cars” cruise-in from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 pm at 2671 East Sunshine, Springfield, Mo. Like them on Facebook for current updates. A wide variety of gearhead car lovers will be there, but as always, VINTAGE MUSCLE RULES! If you feel the need for speed, 417 Coffee and Cars is inviting all to the Ozark Raceway Park, east of Rogersville, for TRACK DAY! April 1st from 6:00 p.m. til??? $10 spectator fee, $20 to race.
If you have info or flyers for upcoming shows and events, please forward to Mark Hooten: Mark and Lisa will be keeping updates on our website. Scan, fax, attach, or just let him know of fun stuff.
Pres Chuck
Meeting Minutes - January, 2016
The January meeting was held at
the home of Doug and Angie Wilks, and is typically the meeting where
we hold our elections. All club officers agreed to serve in
their current office for one more year except for the Presidency,
which Chuck Price will fill for 2016. We thank Robert for his service
this past year as our President. Mark Hooten will take over
the operation of the club's website. We were then treated to Angie's
cooking along with goodies supplied by club members. Hope to see
you in 2016. Keep on cruising.
Meeting Minutes - December, 2015
The January meeting was held at
the home of Doug and Angie Wilks, and is typically the meeting in
which we hold our elections. All club officers agreed to serve
in their current office for one more year except for the Presidency,
which Chuck Price will fill for 2016. We thank Robert for his service
this past year as our President. Mark Hooten will take over
the operation of the club's website. We were then treated to Angie's
cooking along with goodies supplied by club members. Hope to see
you in 2016. Keep on cruising.
THE DRIVER’S SEAT – December 2015
Our annual Christmas Party was a success with a large number of club members present. Food seems to bring the most members to an event. The hotel did a great job of decorating and the food was good. Mike handed out door prizes and everyone seemed to have had an enjoyable evening.
For those that missed the party, I made the announcement that I was stepping down from the president’s position. I’ve been in this club from the beginning and have worked most of that time to make this a club that has fun driving and showing off our Chevelles and El Caminos. Now it’s time to slow down and let others take charge.
Looking back at what happened in 2015, we had some good times and unfortunately, some disappointing moments. 2016 brings the hope of great and exciting things to come and I hope this club decides to take part in more events next summer. Go to more shows and cruises.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
MEETING MINUTES - November 2015
For our November club meeting several club members took advantage of the fleeting fall days by cruising to the Keith farms for a Haytona Beach Party. Our host Kim and Becky Keith treated us to hotdogs & smores while we gathered around the bonfire next to the frog pond. Club members brought side dishes and photos of their first car or Chevelle, and sweethearts. A short meeting was held and the menu for the club's Christmas dinner was decided. The Christmas party will be held December 5th at the Ramada Oasis on Glenstone. We will be meeting and dining in the Kalahari room, the club has the room reserved from 5 to 10 pm. Our meal will be a buffet with an entrée of pork loin or chicken, and including Caesar salad, and seasonal fruit. We will need a head count to make sure there is enough food for everyone, please RSVP to Robert before November 30.
Day 1 - Tues Oct 6
The adventure begins. Six couples all QCCC members left the Ozarks bound for the Mississippi coast to attend the 19th annual Cruising the Coast. The first day was travel day. Our caravan consisted of our fearless leaders Randy & Dixie Weimer, Steve & Neva Comer, Tom & Judy Keene, Dan & Lorrie Scott, Doug & Angie Wilks, and Terry & Sherri Whitely, our newest club members.
We left Ozark, MO at 7:30 that morning and traveled thru AR to arrive by 4 pm in West Monroe , LA where we visited the Duck Commander warehouse. The Duck Dynasty boys were all gone duck hunting so after some shopping we all dined together then checked into our motel for the evening.
Day 2 - Wed Oct 7
Up bright and early we traveled on crossing the Mississippi River and stopping in the historic city of Natchez. Natchez has the largest collection of Antebellum homes on the Mississippi. Stopping at the Visitor's Center to purchase tour ticket and while there a gentleman from Redneck adventures gave us a brief history of Natchez. He also got some video just moments after flames burst out under the hood of Terry's car. Luckily for Terry he was able to quickly extinguish the flames himself. We then continued on, touring two homes and taking a carriage ride of the downtown, then it was off for our final destination the coast.
Day 3 - Thurs Oct 8
We were ready for our first full day of cruising, we were traveling south to the coastal highway know as Beach Boulevard, when we passed Kim & Becky Keith heading north. They were able to spend a couple of days cruising before they had to return home. Once everyone had picked up their registration packets we were traveling to one of the cruise in site when Doug's car caught on fire. I understand from witness that Doug can move really fast when he sees smoke coming out from under the hood. Once again the fire was quickly extinguished . The guys went to O Reilly's to purchase Doug a new air filter and all of the fire extinguishers that they had.
Day 4 - Fri Oct 9
While the guys continued cruising the ladies picked up a rental car and headed east to Alabama to tour Bellingrath Gardens, Daulphin Island, Fort Gaines, Bayou La Batrie all before returning to our motel.
Day 5 - Sat Oct 10
So soon its the last day for Cruising the Coast and with over 7,500 registered cars the traffic is in gridlock all over Biloxi and Gulfport. As the day winds down we returned the rental car and then gathered together for our last dinner together. Thankful for the great weather and good fortune we figured God must love Hot Rodders because we were all still alive and our cars were all still rolling.
Day 6 - Sun Oct 11
Our return home travel day, we departed our motel at 6 am traveled all day and returned to Springfield by 8pm. Tired, weary, broke, it was a exciting trip and the guys are already talking about the next trip.
If you would like any information about our trip just ask one of the guys, they have plenty of stories to tell.
THE DRIVER’S SEAT – October 2015
September saw our last bit of summer and got us thinking of the cooler weather ahead. Fall Festivals and a few October car shows are what’s left for those that want to show off their Chevelles. For others, it’s a time to put our cars in the garage and work on them.
Hot Rod Holiday has invited us to show off our Chevelles with a club display the first weekend in December. Most of you have received an email with the details. Those wanting to enter should get that form sent in early to reserve a spot. A copy of the flyer is on our web site.
The November meeting/cookout will be at Kim’s farm in Ash Grove. Kim said it will have a “Beach Party” theme and to wear your best beach attire. Bikinis are optional. You can use your own judgment about that but I will probably pass on the swimwear.
We will be talking about our Christmas party that is soon to be here December 5th. Be sure to mark that date on your calendar.
Thoughts for this month:
MEETING MINUTES - October 2015
The October meeting was held at the last Steak & Shake cruise in of the year. It was reported that 4 cars of QCCC members attended the Olathe show, they had a great time and several club members attended the Street Machines show in Springfield both held the same weekend.
Everyone was still talking about the tour that Carolyn and Perry arranged of the Evergreen Historic Auto collection owned by Steve Plaster, and the great food that they fed us. Thanks Carolyn and Perry.
Now that fall is here you know that Spooky Moon time is near. Kim had a record turn out at the farm for this years Spooky Moon Hot Rod event. Be sure and check out the action on line.
Kim is going to be hosting the November meeting at the farm. There will be hot dogs to roast so if everyone who attends will please bring a side dish or dessert. We will meet at the Sonic on West Chestnut Sunday November the 8th at 3:00 and cruise out to the farm.
Don't forget December events coming up include the 2nd Annual O Reilly's Hot Rod Holiday show at the Expo center, registration form can be found online. And the club's Christmas party December the 5th at the Ramada Oasis.
THE DRIVER’S SEAT – September 2015
Another month has slipped by this year and we are beginning to see cooler temps along with signs of autumn. I’m not ready for cold weather, but the cool nights are great for cruising around in the El Camino.
You never know who you will meet at car events such as the cruise in at Steak n Shake This last time, just as I was thinking of going home, a man came over and asked about my Chevelle. He said he had worked at the Leeds plant and assembled A body cars from around 1960 to 1971 and had probably worked on my car. He had seen some very cool cars come down the assembly line and told a few stories of what he had seen. We both had a good time talking about our cars and I think it was the highlight of the cruise in for both of us.
Borrowed from a small town paper:
People born in the 1950s have lived in 7 decades and 2 centuries. We had the best music, fastest cars, drive in theaters, soda fountains and happy days. And we are not even that old yet. We are just that cool.
I have everything I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don’t have to go to school or work. I get an allowance once a month. I have my own pad, don’t have a curfew, have a driver’s license and my own car. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant and they don’t use drugs. And I don’t have acne. LIFE IS GOOD!!!
MEETING MINUTES - September 2015
Summer may be winding
down but the Chevelle Club still has many activities coming
up. First of all Carolyn and Perry Rein have arranged with Steve
Plaster for a free tour of his Evergreen Historic Automobile collection
at Lebanon. The collection of over 550 cars has been featured on
KY3 it is expected to take 2 hours to tour the collection and we
will be walking between 1 to 2 miles so wear comfortable shoes.
The club will meet at Perry and Carolyn's house between 1:15 to
1:30 and then drive to the car barn from their house. After the
tour we will return to the Rein's for a bite to eat, no need
to bring anything but they need a head count, please let them know
by September 13 if you plan to attend. Phone 417-532-3936 or
September the 25 & 26th is the Street Machines in Springfield and some club members are traveling to the Olathe Clubs Chevelle show that same weekend. Spooky Moon Fun Run and Picnic is coming up Sunday Oct 4th at the Kim Keith farm near Ash Grove.
Also the club discussed having a host pick at next years GM show, to select a club members car, voted by the participants.
See you at the next meeting during the Steak and Shake cruise October 3rd at 5pm.
The August meeting was held in conjunction with the GM Car Show held August 8th at Thompson's who have graciously helped us to host the show sharing their car lot and providing the noon meal. The profits from the show are donated to Crossline and it was estimated that after all expenses that donation would be over $600. Even with a rain storm early in the day there were 53 registered cars. Jim Proe who has been the show organizer since its inception announced that the date for next year's show has been set for August 6, and Jim is looking for a new show organizer so he can spend more time with his father. Thanks to our club President who served as DJ even through early in the week he was hospitalized for an appendectomy. It was announced that the Chevelle Regional for 2016 will be held in Olathe and it looks like the 2017 event will be hosted by the Heartland club in Nebraska. The club also has its liability insurance which covers all club activities.
Next club meeting will return to Steak & Shake on September 5th at 5pm. Membership due in August; Kim Keith, Chuck Price, Mark Moore, Joe Eth
THE DRIVER'S SEAT - August 2015
Once again we have pulled off another successful GM Car and Truck show at Thompson Sales. This was our 10th year and while the number of entries have never been great, the quality is always there. It's a fun show and the people that come enjoy the show, music, FREE FOOD and awards. Next year will be a little different as Jim announced his retirement from the Show Chairman position. The Chevelle Club will now take over all responsibilities. Thanks for all your hard work, Jim.
I would once again like to thank the many club members that helped unload, set up and reload the sound equipment at the GM Car and Truck show. A special thanks to Craig and Dennis who came to my house and carried it all out of my basement on Thursday and Friday. Without their help there would have been no music or PA system.
Pictures of the show can be seen at There was a photographer taking pictures of the show field all that day. Be sure to check out the pictures as there are a lot of them. The same web site has pictures from other area shows.
Our next meeting will return to Steak 'n Shake on September 5th at 5 pm.
Due to the first Saturday in July being the 4th the July meeting
was held July 11th at Culvers during their cruise in.
Main topic of the meeting was the recent Regional meeting held at
the Oasis June 26& 27. The club treated show participants to
a bbq meal prepared by the Oasis staff. Rain showers on Friday cut
short the fun at the drag strip but did provide cooler temperatures
for Saturday ideal for strolling the parking lot and viewing the
cars including three Dick Harrell cars. The Hinshaw's with a parts
display were here all the way from North Carolina and there was
a booth of one of our show sponsors O Reilly's. There was a total
of 94 registered cars, a show this big requires a lot of hard work
to organize and conduct a successful event, all of the help from
all of the club members were sincerely appreciated.
The need for insurance coverage when sponsoring a event like the
regional or local events was discussed and should be in place before
the GM show on August 8th.
Once again our friends at Thompson's Is allowing us to use the front
lot for the GM show and will be providing the noon meal for the
show participants. Jim Proe is requesting club members bring coolers
for the pop sales.
Our next meeting will be held at the GM Show, August 8th at 1:00.
See you there!
It's almost here, the Chevelle Regional show hosted by the Queen City Chevelle Club is June 26 & 27 at the Ramanda Oasis. All of the show preparations were reported on at the clubs June meeting held during the Steak and Shake cruise in. Duties were assigned and volunteers were gladly accepted, everything should be ready and we're excited to be hosting the show and welcome all of you Chevelle enthusiast to attend. James Hinshaw from Hinshaw's Chevelle Parts will be attending so if you would like to save the shipping cost on Chevelle parts you need call Hinshaw's. Also coming up the 20th the Great American Race is to be in Springfield, cars are expected to start arriving on St Louis Street at 1:00. Coker tire is suppose to be in town with the race offering free shipping on wheels and tires sold during their stop here. There is also the club's picnic Sunday the 14th at the Lost Hill Park. The club will supply the fried chicken ,ham sandwiches and drinks and ask that club members bring a side dish or dessert. We will meet at the Dickerson Park Zoo parking lot at 1:00 and then cruise on out to the park. If you have questions call Randy Weimer 417-207-3055 your picnic host. And last item of business we want to welcome Jacob O Neill to the club, Jacob has a maroon 70 Chevelle .
Our monthly meetings have seen a good number of members attending this year and that is encouraging. It tells me that you are interested in what our club does.
Jacob O’Neal has rejoined our club after being gone for a while. He is getting his 1970 Chevelle back together after major body and paint work. There are still some bugs to work out, but the car is looking real good.
Don’t forget our picnic at Lost Hill Park just north of town this Sunday (June 14). We will meet at the Dickerson Zoo parking lot at 1:00 pm and then cruise to the park. Randy and Dixie set this up again and it should be a great time to relax and brag about our cars. Members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert and don’t forget to bring your chairs!
The Midwest Chevelle Regional will be here real quick and most of the prep work is done due to hard working members. We hope to see all of our members Chevelles or El Caminos at the show to raise the total number of cars entered.
It seems that summer has arrived since temperatures are getting into the 90 degree range. All I can say is enjoy it because it sure beats wintertime.
Greenfield has a monthly cruise-in on the square the second Thursday and Lockwood has one on Main Street the last Thursday. Get the Chevelle out and cruise on over for some small town fun.
Be sure to check out the new Hinshaw’s Chevelle Parts web site. It’s completely redesigned and looks great. You can now view and order parts online.
Due to the next Steak ‘n Shake being on the 4th of July, our next meeting will be at Culver’s (2520 N Glenstone), July 11, 5:00pm. Culver’s usually has a nice cruise-in the second Saturday and this will give us something to do after the meeting.
Our May meeting was started with everyone wishing Perry a Happy Birthday. Perry is one of our faithful members who is always ready to help in some way and plans are being made to have a cookout at his house sometime this summer.
Another fun activity is being set up by Randy and Dixie. Lost Hill Park is a nice setting just north of town where we will have a club picnic like we did last year. More information will be made available later.
It was good to see Scot Matlock and family at our meeting. They traveled all the way from Arkansas in their 1970 SS Chevelle to be with the group.
The Midwest Chevelle Regional is fast approaching and we sure hope to see most of our members there that weekend. Entering your Chevelles in the show will make the show field look better and helping out with odd jobs can make the show run smooth.
The El Camino made its debut at Steak ‘n Shake this month. Being unfinished, it didn’t quite fit in with the other cool cars, but one day it will look better.
Our next meeting will be at Steak ‘n Shake, June 6, 5:00pm.
The second cruise in of the year at Steak and Shake saw another large car crowd. The great weather really brought out the classic cars and the Queen City Chevelle Club members took advantage of the event to hold it's May meeting.
The meeting consisted of reports of the upcoming Regional show. Everything seems to be falling in to place and there has been 23 entries so far.
The club picnic this year will be Sunday June the 14th at Lost Hill Park. We will meet at the Dickerson Park Zoo parking lot at 1:00 and cruise out to the park. The club will be providing fried chicken, ham sandwiches and soda. Everyone else is asked to bring a side dish. We will be stuffing the goodie bags for the regional show at the picnic, be sure to bring your lawn chairs.
If you have any questions about the picnic call Randy 417-207-3055
THE DRIVER’S SEAT – April 2015
The first cruise at Steak n Shake turned out great with the weather being good and many cars and trucks showing up. We also had a good group from the club attending.
I would like to thank those that have donated or made available, needed parts for my El Camino project. It continues to take my time and money at an alarming rate while throwing new problems at me every little bit. It’s one of those projects that you need to walk away from now and then.
What I didn’t expect was the delay in getting new parts that have always been around in the past, but are now impossible or hard to get. Some well known manufacturers seem to be making “universal parts” now days while others stopped producing certain items. Ebay is one solution, but does it really have to cost so much?
Culver’s first cruise of the year is this next Saturday and we hope to see many of you there if the weather cooperates.
It was a beautiful spring day for the first Steak & Shake cruise in and the parking lot was full of classic cars and their owners. The Queen City Chevelle Club took advantage of the occasion to hold their April meeting discussing the upcoming Chevelle Regional show. The show will be held June 27 & 28 here in Springfield at the Ramada Oasis. The tent and security has been secured, and O Reilly's has sent the club it's sponsorship money. Also James and Sylvia Hinshaw of Hinshaw's Chevelle Parts are planning on attending, so if you are in need of some Chevelle parts and want to save on your shipping cost give them a call. If you need a room during the show you better call soon, and we'll see you there. In other news Craig Garrett announced that after many years that him and Ronda are calling it quits. That's right they are both retiring at the end of August . That will give Craig a lot more garage time. See you at the next club meeting, 5:00 at the May Steak & Shake cruise in.
THE DRIVER’S SEAT – March 2015
With the warmer temps and sunny days, we are seeing more classic vehicles driving around the city. It’s that time of the year when we get the urge for some drive time in our pride and joy. Just be sure to drive safe and watch out for the others drivers that may not be paying attention to what is around them.
There are shows and cruise-ins that are being posted on our web site so be sure to check the listing often. If you happen to know of a show that’s not listed, send us the information or a flyer so that it can be included.
Thanks to Marty and Kathy that came all the way from Cassville to attend the March meeting. We don’t get to see them very often because of the long distance, but sure appreciate it when they do come.
We are also glad to have Bill and Kathy back from their trip through Florida and Texas. They had some excitement on the road when a trailer tire blew as Bill was passing another vehicle. Thankfully the only injury was to the trailer, which sustained considerable damage.
Our meetings will now be held at the Steak n Shake cruise each month. We hope to see you there!
Welcome to the newest members of the Queen City Chevelle Club, Nelson and Janet Baker from Arlington, TN. The Nelson's have a black 1965 Malibu 396, 5 speed with a 373 posi track.
We had 13 club members present for the March meeting held at the
home of Robert & Jean Killingsworth, Sunday 8th. Most
of the business concerned the Regional Show coming up June 26 &
27. Mike Moore reported we have received some sponsorship money
and the early registrations are trickling in. Be sure to visit the
club website for info on the show and to see other Chevelle
events occurring around the midwest. Jim Proe had a preview
sample of the shows t-shirt. Also the contract for the club's Christmas
party at the Oasis to be held December the 5th.
Next meeting will be held 5pm at the first cruise in of the season
at Steak & Shake on Glenstone.
See you there
THE DRIVER’S SEAT – February 2015
Now that I have shifted from writing meeting minutes to writing the president’s column, I find I need to think of something to write about each month and that’s not always easy to do. Well, here goes nothing.
Mike Moore has been busy working out all the details for the Chevelle Regional that will be here before we know it. There is a lot of work involved with putting on this show that most people don’t realize and as in years past Mike does a great job.
Another hard working person is Jim Proe who works almost year round setting up the GM Car & Truck Show. It’s pretty much a one man show with some of us helping out the actual day of the show. He too does a great job and knows just how to get Thompson Sales to donate their main parking lot and free food year after year.
It takes many people to run a car club and there is always something that needs to be done so once in a while, volunteer to help in some way.
Lastly, I would like to give a “thumbs up” to last year’s officers for their time and effort that went into our Chevelle club.
Get those Chevelles shined up because spring is just around the corner!
OK, so I did say that last month’s note from me would be the last for a while but I thought it would be nice if I introduced the new leadership team.
First, thanks to Bill and Marcy Estes for hosting the meeting. We had a great turn out and once again Bill made a pot of his famous chili, which he attributes to his mother’s recipe as well and some great beef stew. Additionally a big thank you to Bill for inviting Mark Piatt from the “Oil and Octane Shop” in Springfield who came out to talk to us about race fuels and oil products. For those of you have been trying to source high performance fuels and related engine products, this is the place. They carry a full line of VP, Lucas Oil and Sunoco products.
Now for the big news, your club officers for the next two years are;
President – Robert Killingworth
Vice President – Scott George
Treasurer – Mike Moore
Secretary – Dixie Weimer
Directors – Bill Estes, Randy Weimer & Perry Rein
Congratulations to the new offices and I know we will give them all our support. Remember we are hosting the Mid-West Regional show this year so we will need all the members to chip and help make it a great one.
Once again thanks for all the support you gave to me the rest of the leadership team this past two years. It has been great fun.
MEETING MINUTES - January 2015
The first Chevelle Club meeting of 2015 was held Sunday January the 18 at the home of Bill and Marci Estes.
Mark Piatt of the Oil and Octane Shop in Springfield presented a informative talk about the products they carry featuring Lucas Oil products. After the presentation we were treated to Chili and Bill's family recipe soup complemented by other food offerings provided by the club members. We want to send a big thank you to the Estes for providing a meeting place and the delicious food.
Then on to the main event, election of officers. After much arm twisting the following officers were elected President Robert Killingsworth, Vice President Scott George, Treasurer Mike Moore and Secretary, Dixie Weimer. Board members are Bill Estes, Randy Weimer and Perry Rein.
Jim Proe says the club still has some hat and t shirts and ladies hoodies available.
The next club meeting will be February 8th, 2:00pm at the home of Robert and Jean Killingsworth.
Sending well wishes to club member Trey Hart, hope you recover quickly from your knee surgery.
Well, once again the time has come. It’s not only Christmas time or the soon to be New Year of 2015 but the time for the election of new QCCC Officers for the 2015-16 term. I encourage you all to consider running for office, as there is alot of talented members who would do a great job. Elections will take place at the next club meeting so think about running for an office.
Speaking of the next meeting, it will be hosted by Bill and Marcie Estes at the “Last Chance Garage.” The meeting will be Sunday, January 18, starting at 1 pm. Bill and Marcie will have a pot of chili and soda. They could use some chips or deserts if you would like to bring something.
Many of you already received a note from Ron Carlson of “The Promotion Company/Family Events”announcing that the promoters have decided not to produce the 2015 “Autofest.” No reason was given in the note for the cancelation. Ron did confirm that they will still produce the Street Machine Nationals at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds on September 26-27, 2015.
I would like to thank those who attended the Christmas Party. We had a great time and we also got to meet our newest members Tom, Lynee and young Addy Miller. Addy did a great job pulling the winning door prize names. The BBQ was great as was the conversation. For those who were unable to attend we sure hope you will consider attending next year.
Speaking of next year, as a result of the ever increasing fee’s to rent the boat house, the executive committee decided not to book the boat house for next year’s Christmas Party at this time. With that said, the new leadership team will be looking for your input on a potential location for our gathering next year. The primary criterion that has been used the last several years is,a location that has a private room that we can have for several hours, which can handle 30 to 40 people and either provides food, or allows catered food. If you have an idea for a new location, let one of the club officers know.
Since this is my last “Views” for a while, I would like to send out a huge thanks to Craig, Robert, Mike and Jim for all their help in putting on club activities and support of the membership. They made my role as club president very easy.
Finally, Kathy and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and blessed New Year.
MEETING MINUTES – December 6, 2014
The meeting was held at our annual Christmas Party (the Boathouse).
Members present were: Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Craig/Rhonda Garrett, Jim/Chris Proe, Scott/Juanita George, Dan/Lorrie Scott, Robert/Jean Killingsworth, Trey/Theresa Hart, Rocky/Shari Hill, Tom/Judy Keene, Chuck/Lisa Price, Kim/Becky Keith, Randy/Dixie Weimer, Perry/Carolyn Rein, Dennis/Carla Langston, Doug/Angie Wilks and new members Tom/Lynee Miller.
Bill gave the treasurer’s report since Mike was in Kansas City selling his 1969 Camaro at the Mecum Auction.
Next year’s GM Car & Truck Show will be August 8 at Thompson Sales. Flyers have already been made and passed out at the Hot Rod Holiday Car Show.
The Midwest Chevelle Regional show will be presented by O’Reilly Auto Parts with Hinshaw’s Chevelle Parts being a sponsor. Ground Up has also signed on as a sponsor. The event shirt design will be shown at our next meeting.
New club members Tom, Lynee and daughter Addie were introduced to the club. They have a 1970 Chevelle and are from Lebanon.
Gift certificates from Hinshaw’s were given as door prizes after the meal. Winners were Bill Wiehe, Jim Proe, Craig Garrett, Dennis Langston, Perry Rein, Kim Keith, Randy Weimer and Doug Wilks. Rocky Hill and Scott George won wall clocks.
Our next club meeting will be at the Last Chance Garage (Bill Estes shop) January 18 at 1 pm. Bill will provide chili and drinks, but asks members to bring chips and desserts.
VIEWS THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD –November 2014 - Supplement
Rhonda Garrett asked that we pass the following note along to the members.
I want to thank all of my car club family for your visits, thoughts, prayers and cards. It sure helps during such an awful moment to have great friends. I am still struggling with losing my wonderful mama. You guys have also comforted my daddy even though you don't know it. I think he was afraid I didn't have any friends. He has been very touched by your thoughtfulness.
Again to all of you thank you so much.
First, thanks to all who came out to the last meeting at Perry and Carolyn’s home in Lebanon. Besides the great hospitality, we had some great food and deserts. Thanks for having us out and we hope you will invite us all again.
Just a reminder, the club Christmas Party is Saturday, December 6, beginning at 6 pm at the Boat House on Lake Springfield. By popular request we will be having BBQ this year. If you have not yet replied to the RSVP sent to your email, please do so as soon as possible. Please send your reply to The cutoff date for replies is November 30. Check the QCCC webpage for more information.
I will end this short update on a sad note. Rhonda’s mother Hazel passed away unexpectedly. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Rhonda, Craig and their entire family.
MEETING MINUTES - Nov. 2, 2014
The meeting was held at Perry and Carolyn Rein’s home. We had lots of great food and conversation. Thank you, Perry and Carolyn for the wonderful hospitality, and especially Carolyn for all of the wonderful food.
Members attending….. Perry/Carolyn Rein, Jim/Chris Proe, Randy/Dixie Weimer, Mike/Becky Moore, Craig Garrett, Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Chuck/Lisa Price, Doug/Angie Wilks, and Steve/Neva Comer.
2015 Regional… Mike has sent out a mailing to sponsors and will be sending out another after the first of the year. He has heard back from Ausley’s who would like to be a sponsor. He will be sending out a mailing after the first of the year to previous attendees. Since Hinshaw’s will be at the show it was brought up that maybe we could get catalogs from Hinshaw’s and send them out with the mailings to attendees. Mike and Jim have met with the T-shirt vendor. They are working up a design for the shirts and possibly the goody bags.
A discussion was held regarding the venue for the Christmas party next year. The rent at the Boat House continues to rise. Some possibilities were brought up. If anyone has any ideas for a new venue, bring them to a meeting.
Our Christmas party is December 6th, at 6pm at the Boat House on Lake Springfield. Please bring a donation for Crosslines. To assure we get an accurate attendees count, we will be sending an RSVP Email to members in good standing. Please note, that those who attended the last meeting, are already counted.
Don’t forget, our Jan. meeting will be held at Bill Estes, Last Chance Garage. Keep checking the website for time and date.
Kathy Wiehe
Secretary, Pro-tem
First, thanks to all who came out to our last meeting at Steak ’n Shake this year. The meeting time for this one was moved up to 3pm, so we may have missed a few folks. The November meeting will be at Perry and Carolyn’s home in Lebanon. Sure hope you can all attend. Keep an eye on the website for additional information.
Just a reminder, the club Christmas Party is Saturday, December 6 at the Boat House on Lake Springfield. Once again, keep an eye on the Website for additional information.
Club members, Robert and Jean Killingsworth, Craig and Rhonda Garrett, Perry and Carolyn Rein and Bill and Kathy Wiehe attended the Chevelle show Shawnee/Olathe, Kansas on September 26 and 27. As an update to the information I mentioned last time,the Mid-America Chevelle Club has decided to join our Regional Organization. They have agreed to host the 2016 Regional Show and we are very happy to welcome them to the group. It is clearly a win – win for all. Speaking of wins, the Garrett’s and the Wiehe’s took home top three awards at the show and Robert and Jean took home a great trophy for Best Engine. Congratulations to all.
Finally, my apologies to all, for being very late this month with my “Views,” however, I amnot sure anyone even noticed, since I heard nothing from anyone about it. I guess I will assume you are all just being kind, in not mentioning its absence to me.
So until next time remember, ????????
Oh never mind, I forgot what I was going to pass along.
MEETING MINUTES – October 4, 2014
The meeting was held at Steak ‘n Shake on S Glenstone.
Members present were: Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Mike Moore, Craig Garrett, Jim Proe, Mark/Lisa Hooten, Robert/Jean Killingsworth, Mark Jantz, Perry Rein, Bill Estes and Steven Cunningham.
Mike mentioned that Randy and Dixie were vacationing out west and couldn’t be at the meeting, but Randy had offered to be our club president next year. Everyone at the meeting accepted the offer and look forward to Randy’s leadership.
Bill announced that the Mid-America Chevelle Club would be hosting the Midwest Chevelle Regional show in 2016. They have done it in the past and we know it will be another fun show.
Also mentioned was last month’s Chevelle show in Shawnee where Craig, Bill and Robert brought home awards. It was reported that 115 Chevelles were in attendance.
Our annual Christmas Party will be December 6th at the Boathouse and BBQ will be on the menu this time. This may be our last event at this location since the rental keeps going up and it is more than we can afford. New locations are being sought.
Bill Estes has invited us out to his place for the January meeting where we will be voting on officers for 2015. A representative from the Oil & Octane Shop is also scheduled to speak about fuels and blends at the meeting.
Jim has a vendor that will design and print the shirts for next year’s regional. The shirts will have a Route 66 theme and will include an O’Reilly’s store.
Next month’s meeting will be November 1st (2:00pm) at Perry’s house in Lebanon. The address is 18220 Hwy 5, Lebanon.
MEETING MINUTES – September 6, 2014
The meeting was held at Steak ‘n Shake.
Members present were: Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Mike Moore, Craig/Rhonda Garrett, Kyle Booth, Jim Proe, Scott George, Mark/Lisa Hooten, Robert/Jean Killingsworth, Trey/Theresa Hart.
Crosslines sent a card to the club thanking us for the donation we made this year.
Next year’s GM Car & Truck Show will be in July, but the date hasn’t been set yet.
The Route 66 Show that was held on the square was reported to be a success with those attending reporting that there were lots of great cars and some really good bands.
The Midwest Chevelle Regional flyer for 2015 is now posted on our web site. We will once again have 1000 point judging available for those that want their car judged. James Hinshaw will be attending the show with a limited number of Chevelle parts.
Our Christmas Party will be here soon and Bill is looking at the menu choices. Contact him with your preference.
The Mid-America Chevelle Club Show is this month and we have 5 cars lined up to go. We would like to have a better showing for our club. If anyone else can take a Chevelle to this show, please contact Bill or Robert.
The Route 66 Park is now open, but is waiting on additional funds for the next phase. We are hoping more will be done when the Regional Show is here next year.
The Fall Street Machine Nationals is also this month. Our club had been contacted early this year about having a Chevelle display at the show, but our efforts to get more information from Family Events failed and no display is anticipated.
Our next club meeting will be at Steak ‘n Shake, October 4, 3:00pm.
First, thanks to all who came out to our last meeting. There is only one more meeting at Steak ’n Shake this year, so please plan to attend. The meeting time for this one has been moved up to 3pm so please make a note of the change. Additionally, we are looking for a volunteer to host the November meeting.
Just a reminder, the club Christmas Party is not too far off. Once again it will be held at the Boat House on Lake Springfield. Keep an eye on the Website for additional information.
The next Chevelle only show coming up is Shawnee/Olathe, Kansas show on September 26 and 27. As I mentioned last time,the Mid-America Chevelle Club is considering joining our regional organization. These are great folks who put on a great show and we need to support them as there members have regularly supported us. If you have never been to Shawnee, it might be time for you to pack up, take a ride and join in the fun. Details are posted elsewhere on this website.
That same weekend is the Fall Street Machine Nationals at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds. That show runs Saturday and Sunday. You might recall that we were contacted at one point by the shows sponsors, to perhaps park as a club in a specific area. However, after several back and forth communications nothing was ever finalized.
Finally alittle bit on the Wiehe’s recent road trip to the Woodward Dream Cruise in Detroit.To say the least we have never seen so many cars, of all makes, models and vintages in one place ever. The cruise is just that, a cruise where cars move along the 20 plus mile stretch of Woodward Ave from Detroit to Pontiac, Mi. Spectators start setting up their tents and chairs days in advance. Various vendors and manufacturers including the “Big 3” have displays, set up to show their latest creations focused mostly on, you guessed it, muscle cars and accessories. This was the 20th anniversary of the Woodward Cruise. The origins of the Dream Cruise however date back to the 60’s where after long hours at the office, engineers from the major car manufactures would head home late at night, occasionally in one of their “project cars” to see how it would run. Legend has it that this developed into an informal gathering among the various engineers to see who had the hottest ride in town. How it started is really not important but I can tell you that you will see cars that you have not seen in years or perhaps have only seen in magazines. In addition, on Saturday, which is the official cruise day, you will see all sorts of motorized madness. How about motorized bar stools and coolers? Or maybe a golf cart retrofitted with a motorcycle engine would be of interest. My favorite was the restoration level, on some of the cars that I had not seen it years. There were the typical top of the line muscle cars from all the manufactures but seeing an original 63 XKE that looked like new. Of course being so close to Canada, vintage Beaumont’s (Canadian Chevelle’s) were well represented. It was quite the weekend trip, and we highly recommend that it be placed on every car guy and gals “bucket list.”
So until next time remember,
You are somebody's reason to smile. - unknown
Well, once again we had a great turn out and a wonderful day for the “All GM Show” at Thompson Sales last Saturday. Spectacular weatherdrew some great cars to the show. The last total I had was 67 registered participants. As always, Mr. Thompson graciously opened up their dealership and provided food for the participants in the show. This year we changed up the judging categories a bit, and it seemed to go over well with the participants. I heard several folks say they liked the fact that we had a separate category for trucks and late models. The best part of course, was that we were able once again, to donate all the profits from the show to Cross Lines. While I do not have the final figures the preliminary tally suggests the donation will be over $800.00 to this great cause.
Huge thanks go to Thompson Sales for their continued support of the show, and our club, without which we would not be able to make it happen. Also thanks to Dennis Langston and Jean Killingsworth for handling registration chairs; Robert Killingsworth for his great music and running the door prizes; Randy Weimer for running errands; Mike Moore for doing the soda and ice run and sales and Dixie Weimer and Dennis Langston for running the 50/50 contribution; Scott George and Craig Garrett for the use of their tents; Jim and Chris Proe for stuffing all the “goodie bags” given to participants and all the club members who came out to support the show and did whatever it took to make it happen.Finally and most importantly a big thanks to Jim Proe for once again making this show happen. This is kind of his “baby” and he does such a great job.The rest of us just stand aside and wait for instructions. Thanks again Jim from all of us.
Well we are now into the back half of summer and with local shows going on all around us, there is plenty to look forward too, the remainder of the year. This includes the Olathe, Kansas show coming up in September. You may recall from a previous article that the Olathe group is considering joining our Regional organization. Regardless, these are great folks who put on a great show and we need to support them as there members have regularly supported us. If you have never been to Olathe, it might be time for you to pack up, take a ride and join in the fun.Details are posted elsewhere on this website, so take a look and if you decide to go, be sure to be at the next meeting at Steak N Shake where I am sure we will discuss caravan plans to Olathe.
Finally aquick update on the addition/remodel here at the Wiehe’s. Things are moving along and we have the completed drywall, taping and painting of the addition. Some additional trim work is needed but we are close to the point where we can begin moving “stuff” from storage to its to its new home. Kathy and I still have some painting to do but we are getting close, so stay tuned.
So until next time remember to;
Follow me on follow me on You Tube,
Like me on Twitter,
Watch me on Facebook
or whatever Mike use to say…..
MEETING MINUTES – August 2, 2014
The meeting was held at the GM Car & Truck Show (Thompson Sales).
Members seen at the show were: Kelley McKenzie, Scott/Juanita George, Larry Brown, Mike Moore, Randy/Dixie Weimer, Bill Wiehe, Jim Proe, Craig/Rhonda Garrett, Mark Hooten, Chuck Price, Robert/Jean Killingsworth, Dennis Langston, Tom Keene and Perry Rein.
Jim Proe’s hard work was noted for his many trips to Harbor Freight, getting door prizes and goodie bags for the GM Car & Truck Show. Jim does it all and the show is a success because of his efforts. 67 vehicles were registered at the show this year.
Mike mentioned the regional show that we will be hosting next year. We are wanting to use a Route 66 theme for the show. We may also take a short cruise on the old Route 66 that weekend.
See Mike Moore for club jackets and shirts.
Our next club meeting will be at Steak ‘n Shake, September 6, 5:00pm.
I am a bit late this month with my report but I have an excuse. I wanted to wait a bit so I could report on the Mid-West Regional in Wichita, KS as I really did not have much else to talk about. Then Dixie & Randy had a great idea for a cruise and picnic so it just seemed like a good idea to wait. Well that is my story anyway and I am sticking to it.
OK so we had a great weekend for the Regional and the folks in Wichita did a heck of job as always. The weather was great and while it was a hot warm it is June after all. We understand that 107 cars were on the show field and frankly they were some the best yet. The quality of the cars keeps getting better and better which bodes well for the hobby. The Queen City Chevelle Club was represented by Kelley McKenzie, Randy Weimer, Robert & Jean Killingsworth, Mike & Becky Moore, Glen & Wanita Humphrey, Craig & Rhonda Garrett and Bill & Kathy Wiehe.Randy, Craig & Rhonda and Bill & Kathy went home with awards. After a great weekend, Saturday closed out with a great band in the parking lot. Thanks to the Wichita Chevelle Owners for the great weekend.
And speaking Mid-West Regional Chevelle Shows take note QCCC members. The Queen City Chevelle Club will be the hosting 2015 Mid-West Regionals. We will hold the event once again at the Ramada Oasis. We are finalizing the dates as this is being written so stay tuned.We are always looking for new ideas to incorporate in the show so if you have some ideas, please let one of the club officers know. If the Wichita attendees are any indication, we should have allot of great rides to see and enjoy. Remember, we are the home of the first Mid-West Regional Show and next year will be the 28th anniversary as well as the 50th anniversary of the 1965 Chevelle.
The GM Show is next month at Thompsons Sales in Springfield on August 2. We start registration at around 8:00 am and awards are usually around 3:30 pm. We will have our August meeting at the show so please plan to attend.
Finally a big thank you goes out to Dixie and Randy for setting up and getting all of us out to the Picnic last Sunday. It was great to see everyone again and have some fun conversation and great food. Also there were some good looking Chevelles that drew quit bit of attention from passersby. However, the real treat was Robert’s burn out. First time I have ever seen him let it all hang out. Nice smoke Robert.
Well, until next time, stay cool.
MEETING MINUTES – June 29, 2014
The meeting was held at Lost Hill Park.
Members present were: Scott/Juanita George, Mike Moore, Randy/Dixie Weimer, Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Jim/Chris Proe, Craig/Rhonda Garrett, Mark/Lisa Hooten, Chuck Price, Rocky/Shari Hill, Doug/Angie Wilks, Robert/Jean Killingsworth, Mark Jantz, Dan/Lorrie Scott, Tom/Judy Keene and Perry/Carolyn Rein.
Bill started the meeting by thanking Randy and Dixie for setting up the picnic at Lost Hill Park. We all enjoyed the beautiful park and good food.
Mike told us about our plans to have the Midwest Chevelle Regional back in Springfield next year. It will be at the Ramada Oasis again and the date has been set for June 19-20, 2015. The show will have the same format as when we did it last time. A theme for the show was discussed and will be given more thought.
The Mid-America Chevelle Club is thinking about coming back to the Midwest Regional Show and taking their turn in hosting it. This was brought up at the business meeting in Wichita last month and we all hope the K.C. club will join the Regional Show.
Bill reported that the Regional Show in Wichita was a success with 107 outstanding Chevelles and El Caminos attending. The weather was good, the show even better and there was a great band that played on the parking lot Saturday night. Those of us that went had a great time.
The GM Car & Truck Show will be here soon and Jim reminded us that there will be a new class for 1980 and up vehicles this year. Assigned parking was discussed, but it was decided to allow participants to continue parking where they want. Workers should be at the show site by 7:30am to unload trucks, set up canopies, help park cars and get the registration area ready. Club members are reminded that we want you to bring your Chevelles for display, but your cars will not be in competition for awards.
A club t-shirt was donated by Jean Killingsworth for a door prize at our picnic and the winner was Shari Hill.
Our next club meeting will be at the GM Car & Truck Show, August 2, 2:00pm.
MEETING MINUTES – June 7, 2014
The June meeting was held at Steak ‘n Shake.
Members present were: Scott George, Mike Moore, Randy/Dixie Weimer, Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Kelley McKenzie, Jim Proe, Craig/Rhonda Garrett, Mark Hooten, Steve Cunningham, Chuck Price, Rocky/Shari Hill, Doug Wilks and Robert/Jean Killingsworth.
Mike Moore gave the Treasurer’s report and our bank account is fine.
Mike showed us a denim shirt with the club logo that is available for purchase. A denim jacket with logo is also available to those that want one. Shirts are $48 and jackets are $70. Contact Mike for more information.
Dixie and Randy have set up a club picnic for June 29 at the Lost Hill Park just north of Springfield. We will meet at the Dickerson Park Zoo at 12:30pm and caravan to the picnic location (4705 N Farm Rd 151). Fried chicken, deli sandwiches and drinks will be provided by the club and members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. Please R.S.V.P. to Dixie or Randy.
A short discussion was held on the regional show in Wichita and several members will be going. A few will leave here Thursday and some will leave early Friday morning.
Jim still needs more door prizes for the GM Car & Truck Show coming up in August. He has enough goodie bag items, but needs bigger items to give to participants. If you can acquire additional items for the show, it would be much appreciated.
Our next club meeting will be at the club picnic, June 29.
Nice turn out at the last meeting at ‘Stake n’ Shake’ this past weekend. Thanks to all the members who took time to come out and say hello. It is always fun to hang out and “talk shop.”As always be sure to check out Robert’s column to keep up with meeting minutes and details of what was discussed.
We finally got a chance to say hi Rocky and Sherry Hill who moved to the Billings having been members of the Mid-America Chevelle Club, welcome.
Mike Moore brought samples of the ‘Jean Jackets’ with the QCCC Logo that many members were interested in and they looked great. We can also get the lighter weight Jean Shirts. If you are interested in ordering a Jacket or Shirt please let Mike know. Also note that the vendor has our logo and will be able to affix it to just about anything jacket or shirt you may have for a fee. For more details check the meeting notes.
Don’t forget Crawdad Days show in Harrison on May17th. A group will be meeting at the Wal-Mart in Ozark, just off 65 at South Street I believe a 6:00am. Last year our group got down there are bit late and parking was tight hence the early departure this year. Also Street Machines is come up on May 23-25. Be sure to check the QCCC webpage for information on these and other upcoming events.
Until next time, enjoy the spring weather.
“It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.” – Zen Sarcasm
The May meeting was held at Steak ‘n Shake.
Members present were: Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Dan/Lorrie Scott, Dennis/Janet Keene, Kirk Keene, Mark/Lisa Hooten, Mike Moore, Jim Proe, Perry/Carolyn Rein, Randy Weimer, Robert Killingsworth, Kelley McKenzie, Larry Brown, Steve Comer, Scott/Hannah George.
Mike reported that he sold his 1969 Chevelle at the Mecum Auction in Kansas City. He was pleased with the results and is now working on another project. Mike also gave us a report on our bank account.
Bill reports that he is looking for a new vendor for club banners. He also shared an email from a person in Springfield that is planning to open a new restaurant called the Filling Station. Items are needed to decorate the walls of this new eating place and if you have items you can donate or loan, call Bill.
The regional show in Wichita is coming up fast and if you are planning to go, book the hotel now. Several of us will be going.
Crawdad Days is May 17 and those wanting to go can caravan. Meet at Walmart in Ozark at 6:00am.
The Street Rod Show (NSRA) will be later this month at the fairgrounds. A few of our members will be in the show and the rest of us can line up on Glenstone to watch the cars at night.
Our next club meeting will be at Steak ‘n Shake, June 6 at 5:00pm.
Great turn out at the last meeting at ‘Steak n’ Shake’ this past weekend. The parking lot was really packed but thanks to several of our member’s early arrival we had our regular corner staked out for the meeting. Thanks to all who came out. Be sure to check out Robert’s column to keep up with meeting minutes.
Join me in welcoming new members Mark and Lisa Hooten. They joined us at the meeting last week and have a really nice 69 Chevelle SS. Ah, love those 69’s for sure.
Be sure to check the upcoming events area on the website.
Until next time, stay safe.
April's meeting was held on the Steak n Shake parking lot.
Members present were Scott George, Jim Proe, Craig/Rhonda Garrett, Robert/Jean Killingsworth, Perry/Carolyn Rein, Mike Moore, Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Randy/Dixie Weimer, Larry Davis, Scot Matlock, Larry Brown, Steve Comer, Chuck Price, Dan/Lorrie Scott and Dennis Keene.
New members Mark & Lisa Hooten were introduced to our group and they have a 1969 Fathom Green Chevelle.
The Chevelle Regional that will be held in Wichita was discussed. We have received show flyers and several of our members are planning to attend in June. Anyone that did not get a flyer can see or print one from our web site.
Larry Davis handed out flyers for the Crawdad Days Car Show and invited everyone to attend. Lucky winners at the show will received cash instead of trophys or plaques.
Bill stated that he has not heard anything more from Emily Boden, who is wanting our club to have a "Chevelle Display" at the Fall Street Machine National. We are still looking for banners or signs for this display that will draw attention to our cars.
Some of our members are planning to attend the Mid-America Chevelle Regional in September to support the KC club.
New club jackets are still being looked at and as soon as we find a new supplier, we will take orders from our members who want them.
The next meeting will be at Steak n Shake, May 3, 5:00pm.
First, let me say many thanks to Robert and Jean for hosting our last meeting at their home.
As most of you know we called off the March meeting due to the poor weather so our next meeting will be at Steak & Shake the first Saturday in April. Check the Club website for more information.
We have some known friends moving to the area and I believe they will be joining the club when they get settled in. Rocky and Sherry Hill are moving to the Billings area. They have been members of the Mid-America Chevelle Club for many years and we look forward to having them in the area.
As far as Wiehe’s relocation odyssey goes, we are out of our former digs. We won’t be moving in until mid-April so we will be spending some time in the RV at the Lake. To say least it has been a challenge. Can’t wait to move in and get settled…. Can’t wait!
Hope to see everyone at the first meeting at Steak & Shake the first Saturday in April.
Think spring.
MEETING MINUTES – February 2014
The February meeting was held at Robert and Jean Killingsworth’s house.
Members present were: Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Mike Moore, Jim Proe, Chuck/Lisa Price, Perry/Carolyn Reins, Randy/Dixie Weimer, Robert/Jean Killingsworth, Doug Wilks, Scott/Hannah George and Craig/Rhonda Garrett.
Mike suggested we create a club display sign or banner for the Autofest and Fall Street Machine shows to drawn attention to our cars. The attention could bring in new members. Several ideas were discussed and more information will be gathered in the coming weeks.
Bill shared an email he received from a lady associated with the Fall Street Machine Nationals. She would like to create a Chevelle Display to showcase our cars. We will get more information and discuss this opportunity at the next meeting. One problem with this is that the Mid-America Chevelle Club in Kansas City has once again chosen to have their show the same weekend as the Fall Nationals.
Mike wants to start preparing for the 2015 Midwest Chevelle Regional that will be hosted by us. Mike, Bill and Jim will meet with Sarah at the Oasis to set the date for the show. We will make the announcement at this year’s regional show in Wichita.
There has been some interest in ordering the light weight club jackets. Several members are going to look into the cost and where we can purchase them. The style we have now is no longer being produced.
Our next club meeting will be at Robert and Jean’s house, March 16 at 2:30pm.
While the weather was a bit iffy, we had a really nice turn out form the Club for Autofest at the Empire Fair Grounds. It was evident that weather hurt participant attendance as the car count was down but the quality of cars was very strong including the debut of Mike Moore’s fresh off the rotisserie 69 Chevelle SS. Thanks to Robert for arranging the QCCC display area so we could all park together.
Top 30 Winners from the Queen City Chevelle Club included; Mike Moore, Randy Weimer, Steve Comer, Doug Wilks, Chuck Price, Tom Keene, Dennis Keene and Kelly McKenzie. Congratulations to all the winners and a big thanks to all those who came out to represent the Club at the show. Also please welcome Melvin and Victoria Adams who stopped by our Chevelle display at the Autofest show. They have a 71 Malibu under restoration.
Next Meeting will be Feb 23, 2014 - 2:00pm at Robert and Jean’s House. 2116 N Delaware Avenue
Springfield, Missouri.
So until next time remember;
“Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.” – Zen Sarcasm
Think Spring.
Happy New Year all and I hope you all survived the arctic blast that hit us recently. It was quite a shock after having several days right after the first of the year that were perfect for cruising. Some of us hit the road to an in-prompt-to cruise to Republic to Heady BBQ to enjoy some food, music and cars. Kathy and I also took a mid-week ride to Rockbridge for lunch with Chuck and Lisa Price. Chuck took the lead on a great trip as we ran the single lane roads over and back in the 67 and 68 Chevelles. I am kind of getting into these “last minute” let’s go trips.Thanks Chuck for the call.
Well, I guess you know by now we had elections for the 2014 year at the last meeting. The officers will remain the same for 2014 year with the exception of Vice President. Craig Garrett has agreed to fill the slot which opened up when Trey Hart resigned from the position due to other commitments. I want to thank Trey for all his help during the past year. In addition to Craig, the club officers are Secretary, Robert Killingworth; Treasurer, Mike Moore and yours truly as President. The Board of Directors is Scott George, Bill Estes and Chuck Price. Thanks you Mike and Becky for hosting the January meeting.
From reports received, the Christmas Party was enjoyed by all who attended. We have booked the same location for next year. The food choice this year, which was catered by Coyote’s in Nixa, also received positive reviews as well, however we are always open to suggestions so let us know. While we have already booked the location for next year, if there is some other venue you feel might be a good place to consider holding our Christmas get together, please let us know.
Also want to pass along that Autofest is coming up really soon. If you plan on going, it is time to get your reservations in if you want to be part of the show. The pre-registration has been extended to January 31. All the details including a downloadable registration form is available on the club website.
So until next time remember;
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and leaky tire.” – Zen Sarcasm
Think spring.
MEETING MINUTES – January 19, 2014
The January meeting was held at Mike and Becky Moore’s garage.
Members present were: Bill/Kathy Wiehe, Randy/Dixie Weimer, Craig/Rhonda Garrett, Mark Jantz, Mike/Becky Moore, Jim Proe and Robert/Jean Killingsworth, Dennis Keene, Kirk Keene, Scott/Hannah George, Perry Rein, Steve Comer.
Robert mentioned that orders for club coats would be closed after the meeting. Mike will be checking to see if the light weight club jackets are still available since several members were interested in the lighter jackets.
Nine members from the meeting are planning to show their cars at the Autofest Show. We are planning to park as a group if possible.
Craig has reserved the Boathouse for our Christmas party in December. The rates have gone up there and we will be looking for another location for the 2015 Christmas party. If anyone knows of a good place, let us know.
Officers for 2014 are: President-Bill Wiehe, Vice President-Craig Garrett, Treasurer-Mike Moore, Secretary-Robert Killingsworth.
Board of Directors are: Scott George, Bill Estes and Chuck Price.
Our next club meeting will be at Robert & Jean’s house, February 23 at 2:00pm. The Daytona 500 will be on the big screen for those wanting to watch.
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