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Queen City Chevelle Club

Club News

Queen City Chevelle Club Meeting Minutes, June 24, 2024

1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Garret at 12:00 pm with 19 members were present. The meeting was held in conjunction with the Club Picnic.

2. Mike Moore provided the Treasures report.

3. Craig and Mike provided updates on the Chevelle Regional in Wichita. There were close to 100 cars. Three club members attended and received Top Three class awards. Mike Moore 70 Stock, Bill Wiehe, 67 Stock and
Craig Garret, 66 Stock.

4. Mike provided an update on future Regionals. The Mid America Chevelle Club, Kansas City is considering hosting in 2025. Queen City will likely host in 2026. Mike provided some additional thoughts on possible location options should the OASIS not be available.

5. Mike continues to work with Dale, our website contact, as they update the site. Dale also informed us of a reduction on our fee structure. We sincerely thank him.

6. A very special thanks to Dixie and Randy for coordinating the picnic. Also, a big thank you to everyone who brought a side dish.

7. Finally, as a reminder, we are in the process of cleaning up the membership list. Please be sure to send in your dues to Mike if you have not already done so.

8. The next Meeting will be August 3, 12:00 at Steak & Shake.

9. There being no additional items, the meeting was closed at 2:25 pm.

Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary


Queen City Chevelle Club Meeting Minutes, May 4, 2024

1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Garret at 12:00 pm with 7 members were present.

2. Mike Moore provided the Treasures report.

3.Craig reminded folks of the upcoming Chevelle Regional in Wichita, May 31-June 1.

4. Mike received a thank you note from the Wichita Club for seed money.
Craig, Mike, and Bill will be attending the show

5. As a reminder, we are in the process of cleaning up the membership list. Please be sure to send in your dues to Mike if you have not already done so.

6. Mike continues to work with Dale, our website contact, as they update the site.

7. Randy reported that plans are in the works for a Club Picnic, June 23 starting at 1:00 pm. Stay tuned for location and further details.

8. The next Meeting TBD. Perhaps at the Club Picnic.

9. There being no additional items, the meeting was closed at 12:30 pm.

Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary


Queen City Chevelle Club Meeting Minutes, April 6, 2024

1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Garret at 12:00 pm with 8 members were present.

2. Mike Moore provided the Treasures report.

3.Craig reminded folks of the upcoming Chevelle Regional in Wichita.

4. Mike reported “seed money” would be sent to the Wichita Club. Craig, Mike, and Bill will be attending the show.

5. We are in the process of cleaning up the membership list. Please be sure to send in your dues to Mike if you have not already done so.

6. The next Meeting will be May 4th, 12:00 at Steak & Shake.

7. There being no additional items, the meeting was closed at 12:30 pm.

Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary


Queen City Chevelle Club Meeting Minutes, March 9, 2024

1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Garret at 2:00 pm with 6 members present. Craig thanked Mike Moore for hosting the meeting at his garage.

2. Mike Moore provided the Treasures report.

3. Discussed the upcoming Chevelle Regional in Wichita. Mike will send support “seed money” to the Wichita Club.
Craig, Mike, and Bill will be attending the show.

4. Mike has agreed to coordinate the club’s Web Page for the immediate future. There are several updates the need to be made and sections cleaned up. If anyone would like to volunteer to coordinate the Web Page, let Mike know.

5. We are in the process of cleaning up the membership list. Please be sure to send in your dues to Mike if you have not already done so.

6. The next Meeting will be April 6th, 12:00 at Steak & Shake.

7. There being no additional items, the meeting was closed at 2:50 pm.

Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary


Queen City Chevelle Club Meeting Minutes, January 20, 2024

1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Garret at 2:00 pm with 16 members present..

2. Craig thanked Kim Keith for hosting the meeting at the Loft. - Mike Moore provided the Treasures report.

3. Craig mentioned there had been some miscommunication concerning election of Club Officers. He clarified that the current Club Officers and Directors were elected for a term of two-years last year.

4. Craig thanked everyone who helped prepare and attend the Christmas Party. Thanks again to Keith’s for hosting the event.

5. New Business: - Randy and Dixie outlined plans for club activities this spring and summer. If anyone has additional ideas for some places to go, let them know.

6. Mike mentioned receiving information on this year’s Regional being hosted by the Wichita Club. Dates for the show are May 31 – June 1, 2024. We will send more details out shortly.

7. Chuck Price asked if we need to continue having a club Face Book page. Chuck has been monitoring the page and has been receiving nothing but requests to post items for sale.

8. Craig will check with Steve Cunningham who was involved in setting up the webpage..

9. The next Meeting will be in March, time, and place to be determined.

10. There being no additional items, the meeting was closed at 2:40pm..

Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary


Queen City Chevelle Club Meeting Minutes, October 7, 2023

1.  Meeting called to order by Vice President Randy Weimer at 12:10 pm with 4 members present.

2.  Mike Moore provided the Treasures report.

3. The Club Christmas Party will be held at the Kim & Becky Keith’s “Loft” on Saturday, December 9, beginning at 5:30 so mark your calendars. Menu TBD

4.  Next meeting will be held at the Christmas Party

5.  There being no additional items, the meeting was closed at 12:20pm

Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary


Queen City Chevelle Club Meeting Minutes, September 2, 2023

1. Meeting was called to order by President Craig Garrett at 12:02pm with 10 members present

2. Mike Moore provided the Treasures report.

3. Discussed upcoming shows and possible attendees from the club.

4. Regional Show report; all plaques for participant and 1000pt judging trophies have been mailed out.

5. Discussed possible locations for the Club Christmas party. As in previous years we are hoping to have it the first or second weekend in December

6. Next meeting October 7, 2023, 12:00pm at Steak & Shake.

7, There being no additional items, the meeting was closed at 12:20pm

Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary


August 1, 2023

1. As you know, we had a gathering to send off long time club members Scott and Juanita George & daughters who are moving back home to be closer to family. We had a wonderful luncheon thanks to the Dixie & Randy Weimer with help from Rhonda & Craig Garrett who brought the ice cream. Also a big thanks to Kim & Becky Keith for hosting the gathering their “Barn.”

2. We did have a short business meeting. Mike reported the Regional was a success with 90 registrations. A number of us received many positive compliments from attendees.

3. The next Club Meeting will be September 2, @ 12:00 at Steak & Shake unless otherwise posted.

Bill Wiehe
QCCC Secretary


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